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Just put in an order for two PRIM maps for two MN sections and am just too eager to know what I'll be getting..

Anyone here own a PRIM map or two? Are they good for knowing up-to-date property lines and those small over-looked & underutilized State Forest chunks?

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I don't know what a PRIM map is. However, I will put in a plug for Trax products by Kirsch. They give accurate private/public boundaries and are invaluable for finding little nooks and crannies of public land.

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I ordered up some PRIM maps 5+ (?) years ago. Really liked them at the time and will still throw one in with the gear. Now I usually know the general areas I'll be hunting and will already have a few spots marked with the GPS.

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Oh wow and it looks like the KTRAX products will be a great fit with my GPS unit. Only another 80 bucks. Suh-weeeeet!! Man, my wife is gonna hate you Scoot. Thanks!

LOL- glad I could help! grin

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Oh wow and it looks like the KTRAX products will be a great fit with my GPS unit. Only another 80 bucks. Suh-weeeeet!! Man, my wife is gonna hate you Scoot. Thanks!

If you have any questions on the TRAX maps feel free to ask as I will be happy to answer them for you. I am the creator of these products. However, in summary, they are similar to combining a Forest Service, BLM, PRIM, DNR, and County Road Map all together into one map live on the GPS. TRAX maps are also backed by a 100% money back guarantee. Updates are available yearly for a fee of $20 and are not required but highly recommended.

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