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Where do the Sunnies go?


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I know of a little lake where the panfish are pretty decent. Was told to go out in front of this culvert, where a tiny little creek runs in, in about 12 ft. of water. Best fishing is supposed to be just before sunrise until about 10, 10:30, then the action stops. The lake is shaped like a bowl, no structure, about 48' deep, water stained lite beer color. Would they just move out deeper from where they're at? Or where would they go? Any hints?

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How many acres is the lake overall??? How steep of a drop do you have near this inlet? What depth is the weedline at???

These questions will help detirmine approx. depth at which you would prob find the fish.


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The lake is only about 35 acres. It drops off from what I could tell about 3-4 ft. about 12-15 ft. out. I don't exactly know where the weed line is, as clarity is only about 3 ft.

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Bowl shaped lakes can be a pain at times.

My advice would be to find the weedline, and try fishign the deep edge of it...With water clarity of 3 feet chances are the weedline will be at about 5 feet or close to it.


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Yes, you can do it with the Vex.

In your case I would start drilling holes in about 9 feet and drill holes all the way up the break.

When you get a real sloppy bottom signal, a signal that looks like a bunch of clutter, or a signal that appears as a clutter of fish then you have found the weeds. Drill holes every 5 feet back towards deeper water until this signal disapears. You have found the edge of the weeds.


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You can also pour some water on the ice and shoot right through the ice. The ice this season has been great for that. If you go popping holes looking for weeds in shallow water, don't plan on fishing it until the next day. Find out what the water clarity is on your lake and start at that depth.

Rod Holder, Ive been fishing the same type of lake. The Bluegills in this lake quit at about the same time, they don't go anywhere, they just sit there and digest their morning meal and then the bite kicks in again around 1:30pm. If your using a flasher and see that the fish are vacating the area, chances are pike are getting active and looking for a meal.

Good Luck

651-271-5459 http://fishingminnesota.com/millelacsguide/
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[This message has been edited by D-man (edited 01-02-2003).]

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Could any one give me a good idea on how to fish shallow weeds efectivly with out spooking the fish when you punch a hole, or walking on clear ice? I believe this problem has occured more tha once this year when fishing green weeds in clear lakes.

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Best thing to do is get the holes pre-drilled before sun up, you may have to let them sit for sometime. Then i find it best to use my portable and sight fish or use my flasher and keep ice in my hole to conceal movement from my rod tip and block out shadows. Movement above the hole in clear shallow water is the biggest spook factor. Also use subtle colors like black,browns and blues, bright colors like yellow,orange or reds tend to not work as well in clear water.

Good Luck

651-271-5459 http://fishingminnesota.com/millelacsguide/
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A 6" hand auger works great for chasing gills in the shallows. Make sure you do all your drilling right away. Site fishing is the way to go. If you have a clear lake with little snow on the ice you are most likely going to spook them by moving around. After you try all your holes and find one with weeds that you like. You may want to stick to that hole for awhile. I hate to stay in one spot when I fish but sometimes it is the only way to go. Scott Steil

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Is it a good idea to pass up clear lakes early in the season for gills and concentrate more on dirty or "fertile" lakes?
One of the lakes I was fishing has good cabbage and coontail out to about 13Ft. I concentrated on the weededge and into the weeds. I worked the weedbeds over well 2 times in many of the holes drilled. Did my presence on the ice spook the fish? the ice was gin clear and you could clearly see the cabbage out to about 9 ft. I even worked part of the basin till i ran out of time. 10 hrs of fishing no fish. The lake has an excellent population of big bluegills it just stumps me. thanks for the input.

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I use two different approached to taking on a new lake. First shallow weeds, better early Am and later in the evening. Other then those times I tackle the deeper water for the day bite. Not necessarily just at the bottom of a deep drop but large areas of deep water with a flat bottom. Yes, you may look like you are fishing in the middle of no where but this is where a lot of bulls spend the day. Pretty tight to the bottom usually. If you can get them to come off the bottom a foot or two, you have a chance to get them to bite. Scott Steil

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Scott has great advise...But don't forget at certain times Gills will suspend over deep water, sometimes right below the ice!

Just something to keep an eye open for.


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So you think that gills are out in the basins "miday" even when the weeds are green,and that they come back in the evening? I guess i always just assumed that the gills stay with the weeds as long as they are healthy and are holding oxygen.Thanks for the imput it will something to keep in mind next time im on the water.

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If you have great food and great weeds with some snow cover they may stay all day just not move around much. However, if everything isn't perfect they will abandon the shallows and seek the safety of the deep water. I like to target 21-25 ft of water. They will be holding real tight to the bottom usually, so you can't just drop your vexilar in a hole and look for fish. You have to put your line in the water and see if they will come in to check it out. This is a great way to find those bulls during the tough mid winter period. Scott Steil

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Swill, that depends on the time of the day and time of year. If we are talking relatively early in the year I would hit the shallows real early in the AM and again in the PM. Other then that, I would look deep. If you are talking mid winter, I would just look deep. Last ice, I only look shallow. That is about as simple as I can put it. There are a lot of factors that go into deciding where to fish when. This is basically the way I tackle new lakes based on the time of year. Scott Steil

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ScottS...I was wondering...with the winters we have been having and the lack of snowfall does early-mid and late icefishing season change much? I thought I read somewhere that snowcover and ice thickness will kill off weed pushing panfish into deep water but this year I am not sure. I would think we are in near mid winter but the lack of snow and ice thickness makes me think the shallow might still be a good option.

Just something I was wondering...I will figure out those panfish sometime!!!

Wishen I were Dave Genz...Swill

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That is true on some lakes. Its much eaiser to locate panfish in deeper water. Thats why i choose to look there first. Ive been on lakes where they were in weeds and just 100 yards away was a perfect hole but they were relating to the weeds then. Its best to try to gather as much info on the new lake your fishing. Check the DNR HSOforum for general creel info and check with local bait shops to see what they can offer.

651-271-5459 http://fishingminnesota.com/millelacsguide/
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Yes, I think I have covered this one before but under the current conditions you have basically and extended first ice period. Good Oxygen and Weeds in shallow water. This will keep bait fish in the shallows as well as give both gills and crappies good food and cover. However, there are certain lakes that produce Bulls in this state and I keep a pretty close eye on the deep water in a couple of them. The bulls have been slowly stacking up out there. In a normal year, you wouldn't be able to find a bull in shallow at this time of year, yet this year, there are still a few roaming the shallows. So, in a lot of cases you will find things quite a bit behind "normal" patterns.

One thing about deep water is you can usually find the bulls in the deep water, it is the shallow bite that is very hit and miss. I prefer to up my odds by chasing the fish in the deep water. You will find them down there with the big crappies and pike. Quite a sight on camera...Big Bulls, Slab Crappies and Huge Pike all sitting together, just laying on the bottom of the lake. Now that is exciting!! Scott Steil

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