Here's the lowdown. I have a newly installed HDS8 tied into my boat's existing network, which consists of two Lowrance 520c's.
Now, when I have either of the 520's pulling sonar data over from the 8, what data are they receiving, raw transducer non-filtered data or the HDS digital fully processed super duty titanium turbo magnum whiz bang data?
Just curious. I'm basically happy they're all playing nicely together but I would like to know just out of curiosity's sake.
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Here's the lowdown. I have a newly installed HDS8 tied into my boat's existing network, which consists of two Lowrance 520c's.
Now, when I have either of the 520's pulling sonar data over from the 8, what data are they receiving, raw transducer non-filtered data or the HDS digital fully processed super duty titanium turbo magnum whiz bang data?
Just curious. I'm basically happy they're all playing nicely together but I would like to know just out of curiosity's sake.
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