So we added a new Humminbird 898 to the console, attached the power to the front battery, and now the battery is torched as the indicator lights on the tolling motor don't light up, or light up very dim. The 898 powers up for a few seconds and then powers down. Unit and trolls worked fine first time out, 2nd time out after 2 weeks and the trolling motor did not work, and neitehr 898. The Humminbird 565 which is also attached to the front battery powered up and worked fine though.
What brand of battery would you suggest for a the front of the boat. We are running 12 volt. Need to buy a new one.
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So we added a new Humminbird 898 to the console, attached the power to the front battery, and now the battery is torched as the indicator lights on the tolling motor don't light up, or light up very dim. The 898 powers up for a few seconds and then powers down. Unit and trolls worked fine first time out, 2nd time out after 2 weeks and the trolling motor did not work, and neitehr 898. The Humminbird 565 which is also attached to the front battery powered up and worked fine though.
What brand of battery would you suggest for a the front of the boat. We are running 12 volt. Need to buy a new one.
Optima, Duralast, Walmart? Thanks!
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