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Adventures in Lure Making - more soft plastics edition!

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I broke in a few new molds! I need more color dyes, but I like how these turned out.

Opener can't come soon enough.







Continuing to make more of these awesome line-through swimbaits. I wanted to make a bunch of pure white ones, proven color I like to fish with swimbaits, I hope it works just as well when I get to try these out this season.


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I'm not in the soft plastic selling business, I could never do it for profit it's too time consuming, but am more than happy to help out a fellow forum member who was interested in a small number of the things I can make laugh

Bemidjibasser you can shoot me an email at my username here at gmail

Thanks for the compliments leechbait! I'm pretty excited for opener. I think those frogs are going to be a real awesome lure for pike come spring. When fished as a topwater lure, they kick up and spit water like you wouldn't believe, PLUS they can be fished pretty darn weedless.

I need to make a trip to the tackle shop and pick up some jigs, hooks, and weights to do some aquarium tests with my craws and creature baits. You can see that the claws on the craws are thicker towards the end of the outer edge, they should catch flowing water and make them flap really nicely. I'm still experimenting with adding softener to my plastic, I'm not sure how soft I want those craws. I poured some super soft and some "regular" ones, so hopefully tank tests will let me see differences in action.

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Great job!! They look great. I love frogs that style. You are correct, they can be made pretty weedless. Some guys just thread a single hook through but I've had the most fun with them when I thread my line through the bait with a big sewing needle and tie onto a treble that has one hook clipped off. Sometimes I need to add a little bid of weight to the bottom to make it stay upright with the two hooks laying over it's back.

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