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Info on German Short Hairs


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I'm looking into getting a GSH and would like some conections on what Kennels are good ones to call. Any inside information would also help. I will drive to look at dogs but don't want to go hours and hours away. 250 or so miles is just fine.
I want this dog for hunting upland game first and family pet second. I have a 10 month old girl that already loves dogs!!
Thanks for any info you may have!!

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Hey TheGuy,
I think you should rename to TheMan. Then we could say "you the man" and we'd be right. That was pathetic humor but I had to try.

Shorthairs. Good choice.

Here's some contact info...

GSPC of MN - http://gspcmn.netkennel.com/ -get ahold of the breed secretary, explain what you are looking for in a dog, and she should be able to give you a number of people to contact.

Cebourn Kennels - http://www.cebourn-stables-kennels.com - Breeder and trialer of shorthairs.

http://www.cadenskennels.com - Breeder and trialer of shorthairs. Also does some NAVHDA and hunt test stuff. I've read good stuff about these folks on the net but have never seen their dogs. They have several of their GSP's running at the GSP National Trial right now.

http://www.windwalkerkennel.com - I have known these folks for 12 or 13 years and am very partial towards them. Breeder and trialer of GSP's. Also is running dogs at the national. They have started dogs and pups for sale right now and a litter due in Dec. I think. His dogs are energetic, intense, and stylish and generally a bit rangy. Usually are good natural retrievers. Phil is a very good trainer as well. Phil should be back in MN in Nov. Sometimes they can be hard to contact so keep trying if you can't get ahold of them. He's the field trial chairman of the GSPCA so he has lots of contacts if he doesn't have what you like or need.

There are many other breeders of good GSP's in the area too. The GSPCMN club should be able to give you plenty of names.

Everything below this point is my opinion based on my experiences. Your mileage may vary depending on your experiences.

Big dog or small dog? Slower closer ranging dog or a speedier wider ranging dog? Grouse or pheasant? Any ducks in with that? What kind of cover do you typically hunt? Will you hunt 20+ days a year or just a few weekends?

All that should be factored in to your decision. If you only hunt a few days a year a slower, closer and more laid back shorthair may suit you. If you hunt like mad then a more intense, wound up GSP may fit the bill better.

What kind of personality are you? If you are controlling you might want a slower less rangy dog. If you're more free wheeling and feel you can trust your dog and let it take you to the birds then maybe a speedy wider ranging one will suit you.

Females are generally smaller and easier to deal with. If spayed, I think they are the most trouble free. For the first time GSP owner I think a spayed female is the way to go.

Males are bigger and stronger and might be a bit harder to handle and a little more driven. They may tend to roam a bit if not neutered. May handle heavier cover a little bit better although in my personal experience I haven't known this to be the case.

A smaller dog will eat and [PoorWordUsage] less than a bigger one. Someone has to clean up the [PoorWordUsage]. Odds are it'll be you. Also a smaller dog takes up less space in the car and the house. Something that alot of people don't think about.

Personally I like female dogs that are smallish (<50 lbs) for a GSP, speedy and a little rangy. They have great stamina and drive, are usually easy to handle.

A good GSP of either sex will put you into a lot of birds and do some amazing things.

Enough rambling. I'd urge you to contact the people above and ask as many questions as you can to make an informed decision. Owning a dog is a minimum 10 year committment so do everything you can to make sure you get what is right for you.

Good luck,

Contact me at clark dot koenen at thomson dot com if you want to converse more about gsp's.

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