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Birth Control


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There is a product out there called ova-ban, I think. You can use it for a short period of time to not have your female come in to heat right then but when the shot wears off they do cycle. this is something that can also change the female as you mess with her hormones. keep her fenced and supervised for the couple of times a year they are in heat.

A few things to remember. The first few days you see she is in heat and actively bleeding she is just coming in. About a week or so later she will seem to not be bleeding so much or so red. This is the magic time!!! Usually day 9-15 or so she is primed and ready for any thing or anyone. the last week to 10 days she will bleed again and then be out of heat for the full cycle.

I have bred various types of dogs over the years - to other dogs - and this is the system I use.

First time you see any swelling or dripping count it as day one. You should know about when they are due in from the last time, about 6 months. On day 7 get her to the breeders. We would try them the first day they came in and if they were receptive great. If not wait until the next day. You can breed about every 30 hours or so once she takes. This lasts for about 4-5 days. Then she wants nothing to do with the stud and can get quite aggressive. We send them home after that and usualy get a call that she is throwing up within a week!

gestation is 63 days so count and you will know what breeding took.

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