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My Dog's Strengths at Home & In-Country

Wild Willie

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Okay, looks like no one wants to talk about their dog's weaknesses so let's hear a story or two about some strength's. Everyone likes to brag about their pooch. I'm always fascinated to hear stories regarding super natural displays of obedience, hunting skill and heroism.

For instance: I was hunting Bobwhite quail up in North Dakota last fall. My six month old Brittany pup locked down on a picture perfect hard point. He was extremely steady as we walked almost 20 yards into the biggest covey rise I had ever seen. All three shooters downed a double. I released the steady four month old pup to go fetch-up the dead birds. He was gone for several minutes. My two hunting partners started scratching their heads and began to worry - thinking that the pup had run off. I reassured them that he was fine and for them not to worry. Finally we hear some crashing noises coming from behind us as my two month old pup was making his way back through the brush with nine birds in his mouth. True story...honest guys!

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Unfortnately my digital camera batteries ran out of power so I couldn't document the astonishing feat! Any how...were you there at the farm when Rick was telling the story of how his dog, Trish pointed a pheasant from across the pond. They walked up to her as she was locked up tight at the edge of the water. They had no idea what she was doing or where the bird could be. They kicked the tall grass around directly in front of her looking for the bird without any luck. Finally Rick told the dog to go get the bird. She jumped in the water and swam across the pond to the other side. The bird held tight and she went on point again. They had to walk all the way around the pond to get to her and the bird. True story...I know Rick wouldn't make up a story like that...or would he?

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I would have to say that my dogs biggest stregnth is her ability to always hunt cover. She isn't the flashiest dog, isn't going to blow anyone away with her amazing speed but she always seems to be in the right place at the right time. This is something that she has always done, right from a pup. A guy told me something about pointing dogs a while ago and I think it really holds true "Any old dog can point birds, it takes a true bird dog to FIND birds"

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