I've noticed an annoying quirk of our gas range. When the weather is hot and humid, it takes forever to get up to temp (either that, or it gets up to temp and the thermometer doesn't sense it). I've got the AC on, so it's not too hot nor humid in the house. It works just fine when it's cooler and less humid. The range is fairly new. Anyone else have this problem? Any ideas for a fix?
Ralph Wiggum
I've noticed an annoying quirk of our gas range. When the weather is hot and humid, it takes forever to get up to temp (either that, or it gets up to temp and the thermometer doesn't sense it). I've got the AC on, so it's not too hot nor humid in the house. It works just fine when it's cooler and less humid. The range is fairly new. Anyone else have this problem? Any ideas for a fix?
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