ChuckN Posted December 18, 2003 Share Posted December 18, 2003 L.E.T.S. Go Fishing!!Leading Edge Tournament Series 2004Official Rules and InformationL.E.T.S. is a league format event in which teams of 2 anglers compete for points. This is a multi-speciestournament series which allows for a wide variety of fishing options.League Size- 15 teamsTeams- 2 people must sign up to be league members.Teams may use substitutes, but at least 1 registeredteam member must participate.Cost- League fees for 2004 will be $300 per team. Allfees will go towards event pay-outs, overall championpayouts, Saturday night meals for all teams, and anyleague expenses. The first 15 teams to send in theirdues will be allowed into the league. Last year’sparticipants are allowed to register first.Registration will begin FEBRUARY 1stPay-out Schedule(based on a 15 team league):Individual event pay-outs1st place - $2002nd place -$1503rd place - $754th place - $505th place- $50Season championship pay-outs1st place - $5002nd place - $3003rd place - $2004th place - $1505th place - $1006th place - $1007th place - $1008th place - $50Events- Each event will be a 2 day tournament.Saturday's event will run from 10 a.m. until 7:00p.m., Sunday will be from sunrise to 2-3pm. Each daywill have a 1 hour break 4 hours into the event. Thiswill allow for a lunch break as well as scoring offish caught during the first half. The one hour breakwill ONLY be waived in the case of fishing large lakes(acreage would be up for discussion) or extremeconditions that may be detrimental to the fish, suchas high water or air temps. The waive can only beimplemented if 2/3 teams vote for it before the eventbegins.Dates and locations:June 5-6: Cass Lake, Cass Lake, MNJune 26-27: Le Homme Dieu chain, Alexandria, MNJuly 24-25: Bemidji (Mystery) Lake, Bemidji, MNAugust 28-29: Pokegama Lake, Grand Rapids, MNLodging- To keep in the spirit of sharinginformation, fellowship and camaraderie, we encourageteams to camp or stay in the same general area. The following are suggested headquarters and Saturday night meal sites:-Cass Lake and Bemidji Mystery events- team member “Clueless” has welcomed all teams to camp at his residence in Bemidji, MN. It is a short commute to Cass Lake for that event also.-Le Homme Dieu- Team member “Ron B” has offered teams can camp at his residence in Alexandria, MN. -Pokegama Lake- Headquarters to be determined. Further details will be available.To hold your reservation, payment must be received nolater than FEBRUARY 10th.Mail a deposit of $50 per person to-Dennis Steele826 Stoughton Avenue Chaska, MN 55318General Rules- L.E.T.S. prides itself as being acatch-and-release league. Taking some fish for the panis ok, but selective harvest is strongly recommended.1) All rules and regulations of the State of Minnesotamust be observed at all times. There will also be aboat and trailer inspection for aquatic vegetationprior to teams launching their boat.2) A cell phone or marine band radio must be in theboat at all times. This is necessary for safety and tocontact other teams for large fish verification. 3) Teams must respect other teams. No fishing within30 yards of another team will be allowed unlessinvited by said team to do so. Non league boats mustalso be respected at all times.4) Check-in: There will be a meeting of all team members one hour prior to the start of each event to inspect boats and hold a league meeting (possible discussion and voting). A watch synchronization will take place each morning. Check-in times will be strictly enforced for meetings and weigh-ins. 5) There will be a staggered start. Teams will drawfor starting position before each event. Boats willthen leave the starting point in 5 second intervalswith the last team being the starter boat. After thebreak, this order will be reversed. On the second day,order of start will be determined by total points,having the lowest scoring team go first, highest last.In case of a tie, the first days' starting order willbe used. This order will be maintained after thesecond days' break.6) Scoring- The scoring system will be based on weightconverted to points. There will also be points awardedfor attendance.Point values- 1 lb of fish = 1 pt (Across the boardfor all species)Attendance= 2 points per eventWalleye= Minimum size = 12 inchesPike= Minimum size = 20 inchesLM/SM Bass= Minimum size = 12 inchesSunfish= Minimum size = 7 inchesCrappie= Minimum size = 9 inchesPerch = Minimum size = 9 inchesLake Trout= Minimum size = 16 inchesMuskie= Any legal fish will be worth 25 pointsOne bonus point will be awarded for each Pike,Walleye, Bass combination brought in for a maximumbonus of 3 points.A running point total will be kept towards an end ofthe year league champion. These points will be basedon order of finish. 1st place will receive 15 points,second 14, and so on plus attendance points. Ties willbe determined by largest fish caught. End of yearties for score points winner will be determined bytotal weight calculated for the year.7) Limits- Each team will be allowed one persons'legal limit per day.8) Lifejackets- The wearing of lifejackets while teamsboat is under power of main engine is stronglyencouraged.9) Live wells- All boats must have a live well orother means such as a cooler with an aerator capableof keeping fish alive. Stringers and fish baskets willnot be allowed.10) Fishable waters- Any water that can be accessed byboat without having to pull, push or drag the boatwill be deemed tournament water. The use of apush-pole, oar or paddle will be allowed.11) All teams must remain in their boat except in case ofemergency, or at breaks and weigh-ins.12) Fishing in Minnesota presents a wide range ofweather conditions that anglers must face. Events willonly be cancelled in the event of lightning. The eventwill not be completely cancelled, only postponed untilthe lightning has passed. In event of lightning, allboats must return to the starting area within 1/2 hourfrom time lightning is spotted by league president.This will allow ample time for teams to reach safety.Teams failing to report in will loose all points forthat day except under conditions where teams must takeimmediate cover and unable to make it back to thestarting point. Teams will be contacted by cell phoneor marine band radio if a postponement is called.13) All rules and scoring decisions will be made byleague president and are final. In the event of arules violation or conflict by the league president,the league vice president will make the call. Anyrules changes will be announced prior to each event.14.) All on the water verification will be done usingpublished formulas to decide weight. All formulas willbe posted prior to the first event.15.) Short fish penalty. Any fish more than 1/4" underprescribed length will be thrown out including 50% ofteams largest fish. This rule shall also apply with aslot fish violation.16.) Impose 30% weight penalty for any published ruleviolation. 17.) Random drawing for a complete bag check at weigh-ins.Every fish in the bag gets measured on the officialstick. No one knows until they come to the scales ifthey are going to be measured or not. This doesn'tmean that a measurement on any other fish or bag cannot be requested at any time.To register for L.E.T.S. Go Fishing or for anyquestions you may have, please contact either:Chuck Nordahl “ChuckN” L.E.T.S. League President[email protected]Paul WaldowskiL.E.T.S League Vice-President[email protected] Dennis SteeleL.E.T.S League Treasurer[email protected] Here are some photos from the 2003 season![This message has been edited by ChuckN (edited 03-30-2004).] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChuckN Posted January 26, 2004 Author Share Posted January 26, 2004 Ok, folks, don't forget that sign up starts February 10th! Get your RSVP money into Dennis to save your team's spot! It's a minimal fee for fishing great lakes, learning new fishing tactics and meeting new FishingMinnesota members!Hope to see some new faces this year! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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