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Today was a great day to be outside so I finished some bird houses I started earlier this winter. All I had left to do was drill the enterance holes, put a little saw dust in them and hang them up. I placed 4 out today and still have 2 left, I am not sure where I want then to go yet. These ones have a hole only large enough for a chickadee, wren or red breasted nutchatch, so it will be interesting to see if any of them get used. Last year I put up 6 bluebird nest boxes and they were a big hit with the bluebirds and tree swallows. It will be interesting to see what happenes with these ones out in the woods. I would still like to add a few larger ones for owls, but I am not sure if I will get around to it this year.




If your interested in building some or participating in NestWatch this year check out the Birdhouse Network from Cornell's lab or ornithology. They have a ton of information there, including nest box dimensions and downloadable recording sheets.

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