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coons in mankato

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I've coon hunted around mankato my entire life and there's good spots but mostly private areas, The population took a hard hit last fall though, I'm not totally sure if it was distemper or the draught or a combo, but i didn't even see half the coon i usually do.....Do you coon hunt or doing some calling ???

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I noticed the same thing, alot of males, I've talked to alot of guys all over and it sounds like the same story from central iowa up and over thru wisconsin etc....I've heard a ton of theory's but i'm leaning towards something to do with the draught and thats what a lot are saying, i'm not sure if they died off or just did not move, I treed alot of den trees, way more than usual, so who knows...this spring will tell i guess..i hope they come back

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