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First open water fishing of '08

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Been doing a lot of ice fishing, but have really been wanting to hit some open water. Gave it a shot today and it was a success. Probably gonna get back out and do it again later this week. Finally got my open water fix...







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Sweet. Was that a northern hog sucker mixed in with the redhorses? I'm jealous. I Made a swing by some spots today and think I'll be on open water later this week in the MN river. Hope I have same luck as you.

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I've been keeping an eye on them little buggers ever since it opened up a little while ago. I drive over that bridge a few times a week while working and they're there somewhere every time. Now I just have to get there and catch a few as well. Nice job.

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O.K., carp through the ice is one of my goals, so please tell me how you got that one. Bait, type of water, depth.... anything you don't mind sharing. I'm getting mixed messages about where people even find carp in the winter (depth). Nice going.

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By the looks of his setup, I would say it was not caught threw the ice. Picture was taken in the snow on the bank of a stream/river.


Nice fish man. Getting the fix is what life is about.

Both fish are a nice sign of spring grin.gif...

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Just looked at his set up....what was I thinking!?!LOL. First look I just checked out the fish and saw it laying in the snow and read the following post, then replied quick thinking it was ice fishing. crazy.gif

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