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cats thru the icew


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so now that walleye and northern is closed i still wanno go out after some big fish. thought i'd go up to a favorite cat fish hole. anybody had any luck in metro though before i make the long haul. if not im heading out to the horse-shoe chain by eden valley. think i'll giv it a shot regardless. better chances than sitting at home . also wut baits been working for u? i usually use fatheads or sometimes cut bait of dead or alive shiners and suckers if i have some, and i always carry a tin of waxies and spikes in my pocket. let me know wut u've been doin, any advice would help. thanks in advance.


if it Hits the Bait, it Hits the Plate!

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Hey SlabSlayKid, you know Otis, or Mrs Otis? If not, I think your dad does. ;\)

The cat bite has been decent this year up on the chain, but I think there are other places that will produce as well. A guy just needs to get out there and put some time in.

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hey dtro, ur probly thinking of my older brother. mayb ran into him on the minnesota this summer. summertime he is a regular out on the river there by jordan fishing for big channels and flatheads. he goes by rattleL or something like than on fishing minnesota

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