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Liberalized fishing lakes


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Any of the liberalized fishing lakes (like Lake George in today's Strib B section) clear enough to spear in? Wouldn't mind another last shot with spear in hand, plus there's no guilt no matter what size as the fish will die by spring anyway.

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I was reading on the dnr HSOforum that the liberalized fishing opportunities were only open until the end of gamefish season. Maybe I misunderstood,

To the topic. Most lakes once opened for unlimited fishing have already become too far gone to really do any good as far as spearing as we know it goes. The fish are not responsive to decoys, and the only realy effective ways to harvest fish most of the time is to find springs, or small areas of higher oxygenated water. Running water always draws fish that are oxygen deprived. In most cases that I have encountered, by the time the lake is opened, you have to push bullheads out of the hole to see if there are any live pike, sometimes you'll find springs with pike stacked up like cordwood, next day, they're all dead.

As far as water clarity goes, the fish are right under the ice and as close to shore as you can get, clarity is not an issue.

I guess what I'm getting at is this opportunity really isn't much of an opportunity in my mind.

Good luck if you persue this endevour! Brent

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