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2008 USA Bassin Tournament Trail

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I would like to invite you out to fish the Minnesota Division of the USA Bassin Tournament Trail. We will be fishing five Sunday tournaments throughout the summer.

June 8th: Green Lake (Chisago Cty) 6am-11:30am

June 22nd: Forest Lake 6am-11:30am

July 13th: Big Marine 630am-Noon

July 27th: E/W Rush 630am-Noon

August 17th: N/S Center 6:45am-Noon

Feel free to do a google search and visit our HSOforum

or contact me at 612.208.5412

Mike Anderson


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Hey ya Mike I sent you an email yesterday concerning the tournamnets.

What are the entry fees?

What is the fish limit?

Is this a team or individual format?

If team format can an indivual fish the tournament?

Maybe someone reading this can fill me in

Thanks Dan

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Got your email late last night and didn't get a chance to get back to you. I just filled the last spot in our field right before your email came in. This is our second year here in Minnesota and we choose to limit the field at 15 boats in order to eliminate the need for DNR permits ($120 per) and to guage the interest of anglers. Based on the number of emails and phone calls I have been received this year we will be looking to open up the field next year. Thanks for the interest and check your email for more information.

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