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Since the monthly photo challenge...

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is tree related, it sparked a question I have had regarding a shot I took this past summer. Plus, I am making a conscious effort to start being more active and contribute to this fantastic forum... I have lurked on a regular basis for too long.

So, here is my question... In the below posted photo, do you think the detail in the tree is too much for being so strongly back lit? I look at this image from time to time and just can't decide if the detail in the shadow side of the tree is too distracting over all. Obviously I have pushed the dynamic range way past what would be considered normal, but that is the effect I was chasing.

Just not sure if the shadow detail is complimentary to the image or distracting.

Any thoughts?


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I personally don't think it is distracting. I don't think it's accurate with the amount of backlighting but I think it gives some texture that works.

That's a great image. I like it a lot!!

Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to see more.


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First off I am glad you will be contributing! Second I have to tell you I love this shot. It could even be considered photo art but that is neither here nor there. I don't think that the detail in the tree shadow detracts at all from this image. It has a very distinct HDR look to it to me, and I have always associated strong detail in the shadows to HDR.

I'm not sure there is anything I would change to this shot at all. It will have a different appeal to different folks, but It works for me.

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Wow!!! Thats an awsome picture. I don't think the tree or the shadows are distracting at all. If you could tone down the sun so it's not taking the eye away from the rest of the image that would be an improvement IMO.

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Thanks for comments folks. I appreciate your input.

Still not sure which way to take the image. Your comments reinforce my thought that the shadow detail does not take away from the overall image. Maybe it's just time to make a 16x20 print, hang it on the wall, step back and evaluate from there.

Still, just something about the image has me in limbo yet. I'm sure you folks know what I am talking about when evaluating your own work. Something just doesn't click yet.

Moose, I would love to bring a little more detail into the sun. But, there is no information recorded for me to work with. That was one of my first responses too. Just nature of the beast I guess.

Thanks again!

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