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Crappie growth rate


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So a few weeks back I hit a local lake, relatively small. We hit alot of 5-7 in crappies. So my question is, and I know its variable, but how fast or how much are these fish growing in a year? Just trying to time it so I know when to go back!! ;\)



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Another question at hand is have you caught larger indivduals on this small lake? Larger Crappies than the 5" to 7"? How large are the panfish also? Shallower lakes tend to have better forage for Crappies & panfish so they could possible grow quickly or larger even in a small lake. And the presence of larger fish could mean successful spawns leading to a strong year class due to abundance of forage. But if the Crappies has always been small like this on the lake then yeah likely their stunted.

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Thanks for all of your replies and great insight. The lake is relatively shallow (18ft max) with stained water. I did catch one 11.5 crappie. So hopefully that's a good sign? Haven't targeted any gills on the lake yet, only caught a handfull of small ones while fishing deep for the crappies.



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I have been sample fishing a small lake near me that I was told was fished out a few years back. It has been three years and now there are so many panfish it is hard to believe that the first year I say only three fish on beds in the spring. The size of the crappies on the beds is pretty sad but they are getting a little bigger every year. I think this next year we will see some over the 10 inch mark. Not sure if I am seeing things a little differently but it seams to me that most lakes that are not stressed hold multiple year classes of fish and the smaller lakes that cannot take the pressure tend to have them all grow at a very similar rate. Based on what I have seen. If the fish are now at 5-7 inches 10-12 is two years away. Keep an eye on it two years from now it may be the bite of a lifetime. The hard part is others are likely watching as well and they keep all they catch.

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