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Pup bites when my back is turned.....


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My 5 month old Chocolate Lab will bite at my jeans or jump up for my jacket sleaves sometimes when I take him out. Its only when my back is towards him. He usually does it right away when we get out and it stops after a few minutes. I know his teeth are bothering him, he has a little gum bleeding and is constantly chewing on toys.

Is this behavior a reaction to being excited outside or some form of aggression I should be concerned about??? Thanks.

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At 5 months old I certainly would not tolerate this type of behavior. You need to put an end to it. Actions like this usually evolve into even worse habits. He may be innocently rough housing, but as he becomes an adult (which he is now in his adolesent stage) you will not want him picking when, with who, and how he decides to become rowdy. A stern correction and putting him in a submissive posture will quickly solve it.

Good Luck!


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LABS, i have this problem too but with just the jumping part and not when my back is turned tho. Its only with one of my labs and only when we are out at the woods walking. She starting to do it to other people too which is kind of embarassing. Ive tried sticking my knee up and saying down when she does it but it doesnt seem to have any affect on her even tho it pretty much knocks her down to her belly everytime. Do you have any more hints to stop this.

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I'm not a big knee in the gut fan... I find it works only in a select few dogs... we just had this discussion a couple of weeks back. I'll find and post the the thread. I've had dynamite success with the dew claw pinch.

Good Luck!


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 Originally Posted By: eric29
LABS, i have this problem too but with just the jumping part and not when my back is turned tho. Its only with one of my labs and only when we are out at the woods walking. She starting to do it to other people too which is kind of embarassing. Ive tried sticking my knee up and saying down when she does it but it doesnt seem to have any affect on her even tho it pretty much knocks her down to her belly everytime. Do you have any more hints to stop this.

Eric, check out this thread form a few months ago. This tactic has worked well for me and several others. BTW, thanks for the tip Ken!

Teaching down

edit: Looks like Labs4me beat me to it!

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