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Hale call LAB4ME


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You're going to get me in hot water! I've had pointing labs (none from pointing lab breedings) but they took it upon themselves to begin pointing. It is neat... but they were not pointers, They'd hold a point when the occassion was right, but would flush a bird when they were not holding... The best of both worlds? I don't know ... but I guess I wouldn't call them pointers. I don't know of anyone with a Shorthair or Setter that calls their dog a pointer when it only does so 50% of the time. I wouldn't call them a pointer unless they hold point and relocate on a bird if it's running and hold point again. That's pointing to me...

My personal thoughts? I wouldn't seek out a pointing lab from pointing lines. That's me!... Now I know a lot of guys will jump me for that comment but let me explain my thoughts.

#1 If you solely seek out a 'pointing lab' you have severly limited the lines in which you can look at a pup. In the whole lab world, it is a small amount of dogs being bred for pointing. I do not want to be hindered in my dog selection and it's parentage by that alone.

#2 Even if you buy a pup from pointing lines, you have no guarantee that you will be getting a pointing lab. Your odds are definitley upped, but still no guarantee. So now you narrowed your possible pick of a pup to a pointing line because it's what you wanted and it does not point... Then what was the purpose of buying the pup from that breeding. All other things considered, was it the best breeding available for you to purchase a pup from?

#3 will get me in the hottest water... now remember guys it's only my opinion... labs are flushers! I like flushers.... A LOT! Again, I have had 3 that took up pointing and though neat to watch on occassion, I never tried in the remotest to bring it out, nor for it to flourish. I never would and I never will. I guess my personal opinion again is this, the breed is a flushing breed and guys are breeding them to be pointers... that'd be like breeding Brittanys to be flushers to compete with Springers...

#4 If I really wanted a pointer (and someday I do want one) I'll buy a pointer. I can see a really nice Setter in my future... heck maybe even a good walking English Pointer for pheasant... but for now I'm sticking with flushing dogs. I enjoy watching them work. I actually get a kick out of a close working flusher busting roosters right in front of me. It's what I know and what I enjoy. I predominently waterfowl hunted till I was around 30 and then evolved more into upland hunting. I still do some duck and goose hunting, just not as much as in the past. That was the original reason for going with labs. They worked their way into my heart and I have owned at least one ever since.

O.K. now onto what you're looking for. If you really want a pointing lab, look closely at the breeder and their lineage. I know little about pointing pedigrees, but I do know some are light years ahead of others. If you really like the pointing style, but truley want a lab, I'd say go for it. I can't see any reason why you wouldn't. The opinions I typed above are about "me" and do not fit everyone else. I only personally knew one pointing lab from PL lines and he was a nice dog. he pointed probably half of the birds he contacted. He flushed the remainder like any other lab. The only draw back to him was his build and coat. He was skinny and lacked a good heavy coat, I was told that is how his Mom was too. His owner thought the whole line was like that. He did have some cold water issues... but was not used very often on duck hunts anyways, so it was somewhat of a mute point.

There are many members here who have a pointing lab and I do not mean to disparage them or their dog. I hope they chime in a shed some more light on the subject. I may even be a little ignorant on the whole pointing line thing. Again, the above are my opinions and I usually stay out of such debates. I'm sure there are many fine pointing labs and I don't hold anything agianst them or the people who are advancing them. They're just not me... maybe I'm a little too old school.

Good Luck!


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 Originally Posted By: LABS4ME

You're going to get me in hot water! I've had pointing labs (none from pointing lab breedings) but they took it upon themselves to begin pointing. It is neat... but they were not pointers, They'd hold a point when the occassion was right, but would flush a bird when they were not holding... The best of both worlds? I don't know ... but I guess I wouldn't call them pointers. I don't know of anyone with a Shorthair or Setter that calls their dog a pointer when it only does so 50% of the time. I wouldn't call them a pointer unless they hold point and relocate on a bird if it's running and hold point again. That's pointing to me...

My personal thoughts? I wouldn't seek out a pointing lab from pointing lines. That's me!... Now I know a lot of guys will jump me for that comment but let me explain my thoughts.

#1 If you solely seek out a 'pointing lab' you have severly limited the lines in which you can look at a pup. In the whole lab world, it is a small amount of dogs being bred for pointing. I do not want to be hindered in my dog selection and it's parentage by that alone.

#2 Even if you buy a pup from pointing lines, you have no guarantee that you will be getting a pointing lab. Your odds are definitley upped, but still no guarantee. So now you narrowed your possible pick of a pup to a pointing line because it's what you wanted and it does not point... Then what was the purpose of buying the pup from that breeding. All other things considered, was it the best breeding available for you to purchase a pup from?

#3 will get me in the hottest water... now remember guys it's only my opinion... labs are flushers! I like flushers.... A LOT! Again, I have had 3 that took up pointing and though neat to watch on occassion, I never tried in the remotest to bring it out, nor for it to flourish. I never would and I never will. I guess my personal opinion again is this, the breed is a flushing breed and guys are breeding them to be pointers... that'd be like breeding Brittanys to be flushers to compete with Springers...

#4 If I really wanted a pointer (and someday I do want one) I'll buy a pointer. I can see a really nice Setter in my future... heck maybe even a good walking English Pointer for pheasant... but for now I'm sticking with flushing dogs. I enjoy watching them work. I actually get a kick out of a close working flusher busting roosters right in front of me. It's what I know and what I enjoy. I predominently waterfowl hunted till I was around 30 and then evolved more into upland hunting. I still do some duck and goose hunting, just not as much as in the past. That was the original reason for going with labs. They worked their way into my heart and I have owned at least one ever since.

O.K. now onto what you're looking for. If you really want a pointing lab, look closely at the breeder and their lineage. I know little about pointing pedigrees, but I do know some are light years ahead of others. If you really like the pointing style, but truley want a lab, I'd say go for it. I can't see any reason why you wouldn't. The opinions I typed above are about "me" and do not fit everyone else. I only personally knew one pointing lab from PL lines and he was a nice dog. he pointed probably half of the birds he contacted. He flushed the remainder like any other lab. The only draw back to him was his build and coat. He was skinny and lacked a good heavy coat, I was told that is how his Mom was too. His owner thought the whole line was like that. He did have some cold water issues... but was not used very often on duck hunts anyways, so it was somewhat of a mute point.

There are many members here who have a pointing lab and I do not mean to disparage them or their dog. I hope they chime in a shed some more light on the subject. I may even be a little ignorant on the whole pointing line thing. Again, the above are my opinions and I usually stay out of such debates. I'm sure there are many fine pointing labs and I don't hold anything agianst them or the people who are advancing them. They're just not me... maybe I'm a little too old school.

Good Luck!



I have a pointing lab and I asked your opinion, due to I respect you opionins and suggestions, I've read many of your posts and you know your shix. Really this post was for you so if I have the option I could wipe it out now, cause, really I didn't ask for anyone elses opinions or comments. Didn't want to start anything, just your 2 cents..

Thanks Ken I apprciate it.


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