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Well me and a buddy went out today for our first legit varmint hunt. Had a beautiful big fox come in to the cottontail distress after 2 minutes at our second set. Came to about 10 yards in front of my buddy, and before he could get a good shot with his .22 (he figured all we'd see is squirrels) it decided something wasn't right and started trotting away. He shot and then I shot on the run but missed. First predator ever called in!

Driving back home, we saw two more sitting out in a field by a grove of trees. We turned around and went down a minimum maint. road about 500 yards away and snuck through another grove of trees. Got on the distress call and within 3 minutes we had one heading our way. Got to about 30 yards before the .22-250 put her down. First varmint ever...talk about exciting! I'm hooked!


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