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Playing around with youtub


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Yes sir... coming along very nicely!!! Way to go. Always nice to mix in those obedience drills when working on retrieving.

Surprisingly I used the down command (by hand signal) several times when out goose hunting. If my dog was on a long retrieve and another flock would begin to commit to the spread. I'd hit the whistle for a 'sit' and then a down hand signal was given and we'd work the geese all the while she was steady.

Keep it up! Looks like you got a good one there...

Good Luck!


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Ya notice I'm 3 steps away from garage door, as is was COLD..

It is nice having a lot of room, wish I had MORE water.

Labs4me- I'm working on the whistle sit, he's been doing some doubles and triples, but none to any difficulty.

He will lay under a giant goose shell with head down, but I chose to use hide, I know confusing when I could get by with a one word command meaning 2 useful actions,, BUT I screwed that one up. Seems to alway want to go retieve the last dummy thrown ALWAYS, even when I sheild him, and poit him to opposite, He's got me figured out, heads out like he's going to go where I instructed, but then hooks and heads to last,, I can yell, NO he will return and then he goes where I want, it's like he's teting me,,,,lol Fun stuff though, just a blast..

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He is a machine that will not shut off,

I take him to my Dads, let him run JUST kick back drink beer in the hot tub anf throw the dummy,,, lol, he will come up steps hold the duck and wait for you to throw,, that will be the next vid,,,lol

Dogs are so much fun! "when they listen" I didn't mention he is CAPTAIN CHEW BOY

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