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Spear house plans


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Hey FMrs I would like to build a new spear shack this fall and need your help. If anyone has a good plan and be willing to share that would be great. This will be my 2nd year spearing and i'm really starting to enjoy the sport. Thanks for your help. Steve.

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Hi steve
Well I have been spearing for quite a few years and have built quite a few houses. Permanent and portable, and I have found out that the lighter the better. One that I like is a 4x8 with 2foot sides and the ends fold down on it to make a box. Have canvas in between the ends and it fits right in the back of my truck with out sticking above the box. Then I can keep all my gear and stove right inside when I move it. 2x2s and nothing any thicker than 3/8 inch plywood. And always build the end that folds down last 1 1/2 inch higher than the other where they hinge so it will fold down flat on top of each other. Hope this helps. grin.gif

Rip sum Lips

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Steve21, I,ve speared all my life. I've speared in portables to big sleeper houses. I guess the question to you is do you plan on moving around alot or cut a hole a stay in the same place for the season. My favorite is a 5' x 6' permanant shack with a 2 1/2' x 3' hole in the one corner. Seems to be comfortable and easy to heat. My brother on the other hand likes a big house (8x10) with a 4' square hole in the middle. I also have a portable for trips to a few lakes with some friends early in the season. If you would like to talk a little more about what has worked for me email me at [email protected] and we'll go from there.

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