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zercom repairs


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Hi Musky-
Have you tried contacting Hummingbird directly to ask them what they suggest as far as service people in your area?
I am trying to be optimistic for you as well as for myself since I too still rely on my LCF-40 during the hard water season. I required service a few years ago and had to send my unit to Eufalla, Alabama and was surprised that I got it back quite quickly. I seem to remember having to pay a base minimum charge to send it in but I did get a few extra goodies in the box when I got the flasher back. smile.gif
I know it would be nice to not have to deal with products in that manner but since Zercom moved out of state and then got bought out by Hummingbird your other available options may have shipped out with them. I would have posted this info sooner but I hate to be the bearer of bad news. frown.gif Good Luck - TROY

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I had the same problem with my Clearwater PRO ;try Action Electronics in Anoka. The guy that runs the place disassembled the switch and fixed the problem all while i waited. I belive he charged 15.00.

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