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bob-cat swimming


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well my buddy called and told me he was on the ice with his 4x4 atv.
he said it was a blast.
then he thought it would be thick enough to hold his bob-cat, so he could take the snow off.
wrong wrong wrong!
he went swimming!
next time he said he would wait till it got 1' thick.
all i could do was laugh at hismistake.
i took him out today to show him how mush ice was really there.

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I think a Bobcat weighs about as much as my Suburban if I remember right. Not a wise decision. Did he recover it ok? Pretty sure they are around 3 tons.

<The Sucka{

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A bobcat is very heavy. I don't remember exactly but I think a 773 weighs in at about 8800lbs. That's a lot of weight in one spot. How much ice was there where it went through? I don't think I'd want to have one on ice less than 18".

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Crappie-doer, where does your buddy live that there is enough snow cover on a lake to warrant skid loader snow plowing? My 773 w/rubber tracks and a snow bucket tips the scales at 6900lbs, and oddly enough, the only guy I know that lives on a lake and owns a skid loader got himself terribly cold and wet once. I'll stick to terra firma thank you very much.

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