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wind generator for fish house!!!!!


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just wondering if anyone on here uses a windmill to power their fish house? I have researched my options and think that a solar panel wont do much for me unless i go with more than 1 15 watt panel. I have been researching a wind generator and will be starting it this weekend. It will mount on a removable pole on the front of my wheel house. It will also be about 3-3 1/2 feet in diameter. I already bought the motor that will produce the power. From all the research i've done, it will push out 12v at 6mph winds and at 20mph winds will crank out between 90-100 watts. At one thousand rpms, this mill puts out 40volts. My question is, does anyone think that this is enough power for a ps2 or a dish network receiver? I would be using a converter of course. Also is there any kind of demand for these if i were to build a couple and sell them basically as a hobby for under $300?

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I built one last fall but never ended up using it. Sold it on hsolist a few weeks back. I ended up using my inverter generator it was a lot less work then setting up a wind generator. Don't forget you will also need a charge controller so you don't over charge you batteries and boil them out. Also if you have never been around one when it is running at 1000 rpm the blade make some noise, not any more the a small generator. (Around 56 to 60 db) I think it would be great for a long weekend but I just never wanted to take the time to set it up and mess with it because I just wanted to get fishing. The only reason I sold mine was because with these new inverter type generators I can run for 8 to 10 hours on 1 gal. of fuel. Last year I ran a 3500TI kipor generator it is big and heavy but very quite. I just bought a 1000 watt powerking generator off of hsolist to run next year. It is very light but just a hair bit louder then my kipor. A 1000w generator will not run my microwave so I bought a 2000 watt inverter that hooks to the batteries to do that with. Hope it all works out for you, I wish I would have hooked mine up at least once but just never had the time.


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I would agree that it would be good for long trips but If it's just for a short trip, don't know if it'd be worth it.

Just an idea, but if you do get it, would it be possible to keep it away from your house via cables or such?

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Trust me, those fan blades are not noise free, not as load as the old one but when they get a turning in a 25 mph wind they do make noise. I let mine charge when I am gone, it does have a regulator not to over charge, then when I am at the house I shut it off. I mounted mine on rubber and that helps.

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