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Sturgeon Tips

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I am fairly new to Sturgeon fishing, but had some success last year on the Rainy. My favorite rig is a barrel sinker in the 2-3 oz range and a 12-18" leader with a medium circle hook. Night crawlers for bait. A smaller hook seems to keep the crawlers on better. Just drop it straight down to the bottom and put the rod in the holder and set your clicker.

I have also had good luck getting fish in the boat using a Muskie Cradle.

How does everyone plan on catching their Sturgeon this year?

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I prefer bank sinkers. 2-3 oz is good. I have had success with Gamakatsu and Mustad circle hooks. The Mustad's are a lighter wire, which I like, but I did have one snap in half last year, so I have a bit more confidence in the Gamakatsus.

I like a 12"-18" leader with a big barrel swivel. Leader is the same line as my main line. 20lb Big Game and 80lb Power Pro have served me well. You could go lighter on the braids, but that is just what I spool with for catfish.

I have caught them on lots of different rods. My preferred is a 7'6" MH Quantum Big Cat. The tip is fairly sensitive yet you can really put pressure on the fish to land them fairly quickly. I prefer baitcasting reels, but I have used spinning, too.

As for bait, crawlers work good, but catch anything and everything in the river. I had plenty of success last fall on dead shad, cut sucker, and cut drum.

I have only fished them on the St. Croix. Next week will change that. grin.gif

Here's an action shot of my buddy battling it out with the Quantum Big Cat I mentioned above.


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Ralph, Excellent post! I like the action shot, the Sturge is sure to put a bend in the pole! Here are a few of my action shots.

Here is me with a good bend in the Uglystick


And my bud with some action on the Whoopin Stick [Roller Guides]


This year I plan on using some 40lb maxima mono and have a few extra reels spooled with super braid.

For reels it will be the trusty ABUs and amd new Shimano Corvalus.

Sturgeon are fun to catch!

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Hey guys when is your sturgeon get-together (EXCURSION)? I am planning on heading up to the border to fish the Sturgeon tournment. It is mainly a locals tournment and it is blast to fish. There is guys fishing out of anything that can float. Plus there is almost always someone with a fish on. Everyone is pretty close together so alot of dump is given to people with a fish on. Our friend Bruce lives on the rainy river, who invited us along, caught a 50 1/2 fish and I caught a 49 3/4 fish. Neither of us placed. The first place was 62" fish and third was 55" fish. Only rules of the trny were catch and release, hook-up and fish had to be landed by end of trny. Best thing was afterwards everyone went to the only local bar.


Here I am Battling my sturgeon.


Here Is the Sturgeon.


Bruce our friend with his sturgeon.


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As for bait, crawlers work good, but catch anything and everything in the river. I had plenty of success last fall on dead shad, cut sucker, and cut drum.

Just wondering, what sort of bycatch should I expect? Are those pig 30" walleyes picking up crawler messes? Or what else do guys catch in the river this time of year?

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I started out years ago catching sturgeon incidentally while walleye fishing. It was great fun, but after while, the other walleye fanatics in the boat got tired of waiting for me to land it. A couple of years ago, we started targeting them with our musky gear. 80# superline, short leaders, 2-3 oz of weight (I like the flat ones that don't roll) and either kahle or circle hooks. Then we just lay it on the bottom with minnows,crawlers, or both. Then it was just a matter of finding them. Usually it's in the deep holes.

Last weekend was kind of wierd though. We didn't have as much success in our tried and proven deep holes, nor with our musky gear. They just didn't seem to want to pick it up, and other guys I know were having the same problem.

We finally went back to our walleye gear (10/4 fireline and fireball jigs), and fished shallower water. Got three big ones, a 62, a 58 and a 53. I highly recommend the fireline. If you know the limits of your gear, these fish can still be landed fairly quickly. All three of these were landed in less than 15 minutes, and great fun was had by all!

Good luck sturgeon fishing...


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We used fireballs with stingerhooks (too lazy to change from walleye gear) tipped with minnows, crawlers, or a combination of both (crawler sandwich).

All of our fish came out of water shallower than 12 feet, which was strange this year as I usually get them really good in the holes. We found them on the long straight stretches of 8-12 foot gravel, and had to be more patient than usual. Normally I move if I don't get a bite in 15 or 20 minutes, but that wasn't working this year for us. We, and most of the other guys I talked to all had better success staying in a tried-and-proven spot. They are migrating up river, and will eventually find you, and when they do, there's usually more than one!

Good luck and have fun up there! I might see some of you up there Thursday and Friday. If you see me, swing by and say "Hi".

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That looks familiar! wink.gif

I gotta give you a big thanks Tyler for helping us 1st timers find some darn big fish! We tried to stay away from your spots, but those fish seemed to be everywhere!

Coming up on Thursday I thought this was a deal where you're lucky to catch a couple the whole weekend....like musky fishing.

NOT! cool.gif

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