we are 'the leading edge' HSO Creators Rick Posted December 24, 2006 we are 'the leading edge' HSO Creators Share Posted December 24, 2006 Second Annual Wetlands SummitNormandale Community CollegeBloomington, MinnesotaFebruary 3, 2007 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM THEME: Cultivating a Minnesota Land EthicThis second annual Wetlands Summit, as was its predecessor, is an outgrowth of the Rally for Ducks, Wetlands and Clean Water held on two occasions on the State Capitol grounds in April of 2005 and 2006. The Rally called for holding a Wetlands Summit to review current programs and problems, identify corrective measures needed, and to help establish a common ground between the wetland conservation and agricultural communities. In keeping with this directive, the Summit Organizational Committee advances this revised Mission Statement:Minnesota’s second Wetlands Summit recognizes the importance of a sustainable land ethic in achieving a sound balance between agricultural programs and the vitality of wetlands, clean water and suitable habitat for fish and wildlife. It also recognizes the probability that profound climate change may irreversibly alter the lands and waters that sustain us all. The 2007 Summit will review accomplishments of the past year, identify common ground for the agricultural and conservation communities, review the scope of the 2007 Farm Bill and provide recommendations, present an overview on climate change and its potential impacts, and encourage individuals and organizations to work collectively to achieve changes desired. The morning session will provide a summary of accomplishments since the 2006 Summit, ponder whether a conservation based land ethic is achievable, review key issues in the 2007 Farm Bill and provide for open discussion. The luncheon speaker will address climate change and its potential effect on agriculture, fish and wildlife habitat and water quality/quantity. The afternoon session will be devoted to an interactive Farm Bill Forum, and culminate in recommendations for collective and individual action, recognizing that a united front by agricultural and conservation interests is an absolute requirement for success.The Summit is a cooperative effort sponsored by the Izaak Walton League of America, National Wildlife Federation, The Nature Conservancy, Audubon Minnesota, Minnesota Waterfowl Association, Ducks Unlimited, Minnesota, Outdoor Heritage Alliance, Fish and Wildlife Legislative Alliance, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Sierra Club, Land Stewardship Project, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.There will be a registration fee of $25.00 per person, with a reduced fee of $l5.00 for certified students. The fee will include a continental breakfast, morning and afternoon refreshments and a noon lunch in the College cafeteria. Free parking is available. Please return the attached Registration Form with payment to the Minnesota Division IWLA. Please note the new address on the form. Call 651-221-0215 or [email protected] for further assistance. Pre-registration is advised.Co-chairs for the Wetlands Summit II: Bill Henke, IWLA: 218-847-4004 or [email protected] Harvey Nelson, MWA, MOHA, 952-831-8333 or [email protected] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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