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Honds Rincon ATV


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I can get a nice 2004 650 Ricon and wanted to mount a plow but a buddy said they aren't good to plow. So I called a dealer and he confirmed that they were not designed to plow. I looked back on this forum last winter and saw that a couple people had bought Rincon's that they mounted plows on, my question is how did they work and would you do it again. I understand that there's no low range but you have the ES and could plow in first gear. Comments please

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Used a Rincon to plow at the dealership I worked at. Didn't push as much snow as the Bombardier Quest, but was fun to use. It was easy to turn around in tight places since you can take it out of 4x4. This one had a moose 60" county blade and a manual lift.

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Got 50" plow on my 05 Rincon...does my driveway just fine...you just have to be a little more patient when switching from reverse to forward and visa versa...because of the direct drive I have heard of people having tranny issues if they dont take the time to come to a complete stop before shifting from reverese to forward. Never the less, not having low has not prevented me from plowing or doing anything else the non honda's can do. smile.gif

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I just got the 06 rincon and the plow setup, i plan on using it for banking the ice house on mille lacs, i am confident with what it already went through that it will not have any problems at all.

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