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chewing on bushes


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I have a 9 month springer and she is a chewer. If I don't buy her rawhides and stuff to chew on she find her own. I think your dog as well as mine is going through teething. Just out of currosity does your pup have sharp teeth. Get em a big old smoked cow bone knuckle or joint or something and it will take care of the chewing on bushes and dull those rasor teeth.

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She wouldn't be teething at 12 weeks old.

A good firm "No" and a command "leave it" should be in your repitore... I use this for everything my pups want to gnaw on...

Good luck!


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I agree with Labs4me... A good firm "NO" and a 2 finger slap on the nose will do the trick. I was told by a well-respected trainer in central MN not to give my dog rawhide before they turn 1 or even 2 years old. He said that if they are teething, chewing on their food is all they need to do to remain healthy. He said that if you give them rawhide before they are 1yr. old that they will be much more succeptable to chewing on birds upon retrieve throughout the first few years hunting. Im not sure if this advice is correct, but it seemed to work on my 2 year old chocolate lab.

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