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ATV Insurance?


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mad.gifafter reading what you guys are paying I'm just geting corn holed $345 a year with 250D and that is only for a 04 rubicon. the sick thing about this is we have everything with this company including a small business. I'm wondering what else they are over chargeing for?
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I've got both of my wheelers and both bikes (4 total machines) insured, with a smaller dedudctible, through AIG for less money than AmFam wanted for just the 2 Bikes. Thanks Ole!!

I used to have everything through American Family and now have nothing through them.

Autos and house went to AAA (saved me over $1400 a year from Am Fam's price for same/better coverage). So I upped my "toy fund" by about $1800/yr just for switching insurance companies (I wish the wife would see the savings the same way I do LOL).

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Chopper, that sounds really extreme. With our prices I don't see how it could of been that drastic. It sounds to me like the specific agent that you went though didn't have you on the best plan for your needs. I honestly think with a more experienced agent you probably would have been alot more satisfied with the company. If you have any questions, I am willing to help so just let me know.


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