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Dog training around Forest lake area


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I have a Lab/springer mix and I am looking to possibly get him some pheasant training or even see if he is a possible candidate for pheasant hunting. He is about 14 months old, so I am also wondering if he is too old to start anything like this. Any help is appreciated.

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14 months is not too old to start training and I'd be stunned if your dog didn't turn out to be at least serviceable at pheasants. You've got 2 of the best pheasant dogs there are rolled into one dog. Make sure you have your obedience training down pat before bringing your dog in for field training so the trainer doesn't have to waste his time doing yard work. Unfortunately I can't help you for trainers though. I'm certain someone on the board will come through for you.

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Thanks for the reply GSP, he is pretty obedient with me, not with my wife. I actually brought up the idea to her about taking him for obedience classes with her. She seemed to think it was a good idea. Good to know he is not to old for pheasant hunting, I haven't done it yet but I would like to try this year. Thanks again.

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