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Retriver/Dog Club


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Anybody belong to Southern Minnesota Hunting Retriever Association? I've looked at their HSOforum some but was

wondering what people thought. Are there a lot of members with younger pups? I have a 5 month old and was looking for someplace to get some advice on the early training.

Thanks for the help.

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I have been a member of the SMHRA for the last two years. I like the club and the members. The wealth of knowledge is emmence and has helped me advance my two Labs greatly. Like with anything else in life "you get out of it only what you are willing to put into it". If you want a good all around hunting dog or a AKC MH there is someone there that can help. As with any club, be willing to put some sweat equity into it and the you will be rewarded.

Let me know of any other questions you have.

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