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Springerless No More


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Springerguy is no longer springerless. The family loaded up this morning and headed up to Pine Shadows and picked out a new springer spaniel. She is an 8 month old dog that we'll leave there until early April. What a great first impression- they showed us one other dog but something clicked with this dog. She showed much energy in the field and retrieved well, but more importantly- was absolutely at home with the family. I expected a less "friendly" dog but it was remarkebly people friendly-- my wife and kids were instantly attached to the dog. I had read how the owners and staff spend time socializing the dogs and it is evident in all of the dogs we observed-- my wife and I were impressed. We brought along our brittany to see how they would socialize and it wasn't a problem. I'm already excited about this fall....yeah, it may be a bit of a challenge with a 3 yr. old brit and 1 1/2 yr old springer but I'm betting it will be a blast.

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