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Raided "R"

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If anybody could help me, I have a pure bred black lab that went into heat on the 21st, I would like to have her bred eventually, not this cycle, but i hear that there is a very small slot that you have to have her bred by. How do you know when that time slot is.


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Generally, around day 9 of the cycle is when the female will start standing for the male. We have got lucky so far with our females and used a calendar count to get our beedings. If you have a female that is more difficult to get bred, your vet should be able to perform a simple test to predict the best day(s) to perform the breeding. Hopefully you've done some homework on having your dog bred. For fear of coming accross as a preacher I will just say if the words OFA and CERF are at all unfamiliar, use the search feature here.

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