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timidness/semi gun shy

Old Guide

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I can't say that I have so I can't really give any feedback on it. I've never had a gunshy dog either so I don't have much experience with it. Maybe someone else can chime in.

One thing I would caution you on is that a month to cure gun shyness seems too good to be true to me. I'd personally take it slow and easy. You've got all winter, spring, and summer to work with.


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I have a female wirehair that I spent two years dealing with this. When I had given up hope and was working on my wife to let me get a new pup, my vet told me to take her (the dog, not the wife) to the "pet behavioral clinic" at the U of M. An hour and a half and $150 bucks later I was the proud recipient of two things - the diagnosis of a dog with a "soft" personality and a CD with fireworks noise - bangs, whistles, pops, etc. And, oh yeah, they offered to write a script for Valium to get my dog through the Fourth of July. I made an honest effort to desensitize the dog; let if suffice to say I now have a new male wirehair that just spent a first great season in the field.

The female I got from a breeder in Wisconsin as a "started" dog, the male I got as a pup and trained myself from the ground up. Socialization, bad experiences while training, hard-wired traits, I can't say, but my limited experience taught me this is a really hard thing to overcome. I still have the densensitization CD, if you want it...........

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fish4ed, thanks for the input. Ihave a 13 year old female wirehair.I got her as a 7week old pup. No problems (those wirehairs do it all!). A friend sold me a gsp for a replacement for when the whp retires. The shorthair was a year old when I got her. She is slowly coming around but I guess time will tell. As gsp said I do have some time before the next bird season. Sorry to hear that your first one didn't work out so well. If the pup doesn't calm down around my wife I may have to get that perscription for valium from you (for me not the dog)!!!

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