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Dog Catching a Bird


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Private land would not have mattered, it doesnt change the reg's. The only time reg's are changed is on a lic'd game farm or hunt club and your ON thier property. But you did the right thing! What kind of dog do you run? I thought that my GSP was the only one that was quick enough to do that wink.gif

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I have a eight year old weimaraner. She had another bird in her mouth five minutes before she caught that other one,but ending up with a mouth full of feathers. She has caught rabbits before but that was when she was less than two years old. I guess things do get better with age. It was an great day though, she had several points that I wish I would have had a camera. Got my two roosters, but hated wasting the meat from the hen. I think she might be done for the season since the snow was very hard on her feet. She was breaking through the ice crust on top of the snow and her feet were bleeding 5 minutes into the hunt. She still having a hard time walking and it been two days.

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I was always curious as to what the law was regarding birds the dog caught. This is the first year my lab as not caught one. Hopefully I will be able to get out one more time and give her another chance.

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I agree with it being fun hunting in the snow. I always hope for an early snow fall, seems the birds hold alot better and dont run as much on you. It sure is nice they extended the season, gives me something to do until there is enough ice on the lake.

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