I Da Man Posted December 29, 2005 Share Posted December 29, 2005 I'll be out in Denver on the 31st of Jan...If I can find a guide within an hour or so of Denver I would like to wet a line while out there. I would come a day early or stay a day later... I would need everything...I would only bring a smile...and that might be borrowed! I prefer fishing for Flathead Cat's but since the Co State record is under 4 lbs...I'm open to anything fun and/or differant. I can handle a fly rod fairly well... I'm open to any and all suggestions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dan DAN the fisherman Posted December 29, 2005 Share Posted December 29, 2005 Name Phone Address Town Zip Adventures Beyond 970-247-1694 4140 County Rd. 234 DURANGO 81301 Almont Anglers 970-641-7404 P.O. Box 513 ALMONT 81210 Alpine Angling 970-963-9245 981Cowen Dr. CARBONDALE 81623 Anasazi Angler 970-385-4665 12895 Hwy 140 DURANGO 81301 Angler's Covey 719-471-2984800-753-4746 2005 Sheldon Ave. COLORADO SPRINGS 80904 Animas Valley Anglers 970-259-0484 1604 W. 3rd Ave DURANGO 81301 Arkanglers-Buena Vista 719-539-4223 517 US 24 South BUENA VISTA 81211 Arkanglers-Salida 719-539-4223 7500 U S Hwy 50 SALIDA 81201 Arkansas River Tours 800-321-4352 19487 US Hwy 50 COTOPAXI 81223 Aspen Outfitting Co. 970-925-3406 315 E. Dean ASPEN 81611 Aspen Flyfishing 970-920-6886 601 E. Dean ASPEN 81611 Aspen Trout Guides 970-920-3541 520 E. Durant Ave. ASPEN 81611 Backcountry Angler 970-264-4202 350 Pagosa PAGOSA SPRINGS 81147 Blue Quill Angler 303-674-4700 1532 Hwy 74 EVERGREEN 80439 Blue River Anglers 970-453-9171 209 N. Main BRECKENRIDGE 80424 Breckenridge Outfitters Inc 970-453-4135 100 N Main BRECKENRIDGE 80424 Bucking Rainbow Outfitters 970-879-8747 730 Lincoln Av STEAMBOAT SPRINGS 80487 Buffalo Creek Ranch 970-723-8311 2320 C.R. 28A RAND 80473 Capitol Peak Outfitters 970-963-0211 554 Valley Rd. CARBONDALE 81623 Colorado Angler Fly Shop 303-232-8298 1457 Nelson LAKEWOOD 80215 Colorado Fishing Guides 970-653-4334 18370 Hwy 131 BOND 80423 Colorado River Anglers 970-468-1836 468 Hillside Drive SILVERTHORNE 80498 Cottonwood Meadows Guide Service 719-376-5660 34591 Hwy 17 ANTONITO 81120 Cutthroat Anglers 970-262-2878888-876-8818 400 Blue River Pkwy SILVERTHORNE 80498 Cutthroat Drifters 303-642-0485 200 The Lane Rd. GOLDEN 80403 Dan's Fly Shop 970-944-2281 723 Gunnison Ave LAKE CITY 81235 Devil's Thumb Fly Fishing Center 970-726-8231 3530 County Rd. 83 TABERNASH 80478 Dolores River Outfitters 970-882-3099 1321 Railroad Ave. DOLORES 81323 Don Oliver Fishing Guide 970-382-0364800-484-2349 90 Arapahoe Dr. DURANGO 81303 Dragonfly Anglers 970-349-1228 307 Elk Av CRESTED BUTTE 81224 Duranglers Flies & Supplies 970-385-4081888-347-4346 923 Main Ave. DURANGO 81301 Eagle River Anglers/Eagle Valley Guides 970-328-2323 101 Loren Lane EAGLE 81631 East Creek Flyfishers 970-731-9262 P.O. Box 2902 PAGOSA SPRINGS 81147 11 Mile Sports Inc. 877-725-3172 P.O. Box 107 LAKE GEORGE 80827 Elk Trout Lodge 970-724-3343 P.O. Box 614 KREMMLING 80459 Estes Angler 970-586-2110 338 W Riverside ESTES PARK 80517 Ferro's Blue Mesa Outfitters and Ranch Resort 970-641-4671 P.O. Box 853 GUNNISON 81230 Fly Fishing Outfitters 970-476-HSO 1060 W. Beaver Creek Blvd. 1B AVON 81064 Flyfisher Ltd. 303-322-5014 120 Madison DENVER 80206 Front Range Anglers 303-494-1375 629-B S. Broadway BOULDER 80303 Frying Pan Anglers 970-927-3441 134 Basalt Center Cir. BASALT 81621 Gore Creek Flyfisherman 970-476-3296 492 E. Lionshead Cir. #101 VAIL 81657 Gorsuch Outfitters 970-926-0900 97 Main St. #E102 EAGLE 81631 Gunnison Fish and Raft 877-559-FISH 63 Gingko Dr. GUNNISON 81230 Gunnison River Expeditions 970-249-4441 19500 US Hwy 550 MONTROSE 81401 Hatch Fly Shop 303-816-0487 3435 US Hwy 285 PINE JUNCTION 80470 High Mountain Drifters 970-641-4243 115 S Wisconsin GUNNISON 81230 Highside Adventure Tours 970-668-1228 620 Main FRISCO 80443 Horizon River Adventures 970-963-4660888-GOBIYAK 222 Ronce Ln. CARBONDALE 81623 JML Outfitters 970-878-4749 300 Cnty Rd 75 MEEKER 81641 Kinsley Outfitters 303-442-6204800-442-7420 1155 13th Street BOULDER 80302 Let It Fly 970-264-3189 1501 W. Hwy 160, #2 PAGOSA SPRINGS 81147 Mountain Angler 970-453-4665800-453-4669 311 S. Main BRECKENRIDGE 80424 Mt. Royal Anglers 970-668-4771877-433-6700 204 Main St. FRISCO 80443 North Park Anglers 970-723-4215 524 Main WALDEN 80480 OutWest Guides 970-963-5525 5585 County Rd. 3 MARBLE 81623 Oxbow Outfitting 970-925-1505 623 E. Durant Ave. ASPEN 81611 Roaring Fork Anglers 970-945-0180 2205 Grand Ave. GLENWOOD SPRINGS 81601 Roaring Fork Outfitters 970-945-5800 2022 Grand Ave. GLENWOOD SPRINGS 81601 Rocky Mountain Adventures 970-493-4005 1117 N. US Hwy 287 FORT COLLINS 80524 Rocky Mountain Adventures 970-586-6191 358 E. Elkhorn Ave. ESTES PARK 80517 Royal Gorge Anglers 719-269-FISH888-994-6743 1210 Royal Gorge Blvd CANON CITY 81212 St. Vrain Angler 303-651-6061 418 Main St LONGMONT 80501 Scenic River Tours 970-641-3131 703 W. Tomichi Ave. GUNNISON 81230 Southfork Outfitters 970-259-4871 28481 Hwy 160 E. DURANGO 81301 Steamboat Fishing Co. 970-879-6552 635 Lincoln STEAMBOAT SPRINGS 80487 Summit Guides 970-468-8945 167 Keystone Rd. KEYSTONE 80435 Taylor Creek Fly Shop 970-927-4374 183 Basalt Center Cir. BASALT 81621 Telluride Angler 970-728-0773800-831-6230 121 W Colorado Av TELLURIDE 81435 The Perfect Drift 303-838-7688 29200 Crystal Lake Rd. PINE 80470 Tightline Outfitters 303-947-8327303-697-0429 4525 S. Cole Ct. MORRISON 80465 Troutfitter Sports 866-349-1323 313 Elk Ave. CRESTED BUTTE 81224 Trout-Trips 303-(Contact US Regarding This Word)-4337 P.O. Box 11181 ENGLEWOOD 80151 Willowfly Anglers 970-641-1303888-761-FISH P.O. Box 339 ALMONT 81210 Winterhawk Outfitters Inc. 970-876-2623 700 Grand Ave. SILT 81652 Your Fishing Partner 303-567-1500 1524 Miner IDAHO SPRINGS 80452 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dan DAN the fisherman Posted December 29, 2005 Share Posted December 29, 2005 Hey Brian, If you want to tag along with me (ICE FISHING), I can put you on some Lake Trout (Free of charge, except maybe some gas money). Let me know, Dan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I Da Man Posted December 30, 2005 Author Share Posted December 30, 2005 I like this one...but can't get ahold of them at this number... Quote: Trout-Trips 303-(Contact US Regarding This Word)-4337 P.O. Box 11181 ENGLEWOOD 80151 Thanks Dan, tagging along might work out better. Where about do you go out of Westminster to ice fish...don't tell me...west right?! If your serious...I see a couple obsticals I need to overcome...but would love too! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dan DAN the fisherman Posted December 30, 2005 Share Posted December 30, 2005 I go to Williams Fork Reservoir most Often. Its about 2 1/2 hrs. west. Lake Granby is another option, about 2hrs west. If we cap up again here in the Front Range, there are options much closer, but not for Lakers. Yes I was serious. You are more than welcome to fish with me. Dan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I Da Man Posted December 31, 2005 Author Share Posted December 31, 2005 I'm not a fan of posting email ad on web sites...I would guess you have Rick's or Dennis Steele's... would you ask them to send me yours...or mine to you?We can go from there...Thanks Dan! I'm looking forward to any kind of fishing in the Great State of Colorado! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dan DAN the fisherman Posted December 31, 2005 Share Posted December 31, 2005 You have mail! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I Da Man Posted January 5, 2006 Author Share Posted January 5, 2006 ...and you have return mail! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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