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Question on having lab spayed.


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My lab is soon to be 8 months & I would like to bring her in to get spayed. How long will she be out of commission after this? I am assuming she will be wearing the "lampshade" for a few days, and won't be able to hunt for a while, but how long until she can get back to her normal daily routine (i.e. will I need to take some time off of work, or if I have it done on say a Friday, will she be OK to be out in her kennel the following week?) Thanks in advance for any input.

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Just got mine taken care of. She was a little out of it for a day and I had to do my best to settle her down for a couple days. No lamp shade, but they stitched her up real solid. I hunted 2 weeks later with no affects. She was running around crazed like usual. Thank god she likes to stay close.

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