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The State of Hockey

Hockey Guy

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Since nobody has brought up a topic of discussion for a while, let’s talk about “Hockey Guys State of Hockey” for year-end 2005.

1. I’m glad to see the NHL back but I’m sad to see that it has turned into a woman’s hockey league. I always thought there was too much interference in the NHL in the past and that they should call it a little tighter, but this is ridiculous. You can’t even touch anyone out there anymore without getting a penalty. They might as well melt the ice and call it basketball at this rate. I saw a couple periods of a Women’s Gopher game the other day and found myself enjoying how physical the game was compared to the NHL. Last night the Wild game was on at the same time as the high school game on FSN, and the high school game was more physical.

2. The shootout is fun to watch I will admit, but I don’t like the fact that they are taking a team sport and deciding the outcome on individual effort. I would like to see them keep the shootout but only after a 20-minute sudden death over-time.

3. What’s up with a guy getting a penalty for tripping and the guy he tripped getting a penalty for diving? Shouldn’t it be one or the other? I’ve seen this happen 10 times this year during NHL games.

4. Has anyone every wondered why the NHL so strongly encourages players to wear face shields that they are considering making it mandatory; yet they are still giving a player a double minor for high-sticking if the player he hit is bleeding in the face? It kind of seems to me that the players that wear shields are selling out their team if you think about it. What happened to Eddie Shore hockey, “bleed all over him, let him know your there”?

5. Gaborik is fast and fun to watch, but does the guy ever hit the net when he shoots? Seriously, does he? How can a guy give as much effort as he does to get into position for a good shot and then miss the net 99.5 percent of the time? Don’t get me wrong I like to watch the guy, but I would like to see him force the goalie to make a save every now and then.

6. I’m probably not going to spell all these names correctly, but if the USA team is going for a youth movement in the Olympics, what is Chelios doing on the team? I would rather have seen Paul Martin take his place. If they are going to take Modano, Tkachuk, and Chelios, I think Roenick should have been there as well. Nobody brings as much physical presence and can still put the puck in the net like JR. But Chelios… they’re killing me here.

Let’s start with that for now…

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Hockey guy

1. I agree, not enough physical play and with all the penalties special teams more or less decides the games. Women's hockey....I'll keep my opinion to myself.

2. I hate the shootout. 3 on 3 until someone scores would be better.

3. As a player, I never understood this.

4. I like the Slapshot reference, but that rule about drawing blood was there before they started to encourage wearing a shield. I hated the things. You get checked and the shield would cut your face anyway. I think it's a liability, insurance cost thing. Did you know if you get cut in New York State you can file an insurance claim and receive a nice check in the mail?

5. Haven't watched a game yet, but I think his goal production is down. A direct result of missing the net.

6. USA Hockey has always had their 'Golden Boys' that they turn to when selecting teams. After what Roenick said a week ago, I don't think he'll ever play for Team USA again. Does he think before he talks?

My two cents.

Go Bulldogs.


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I too am on that wagon, NHL when did it ever stand for the no hitting league? There is more contact in my mens leauge! juniors and college is where it's at. I love hockey but the NHL has turned europe on us. mad.gif

Womens' hockey is just, well, not right. sorry.

4 on 4 for 10

3 on 3 till the end I don't care if the game goes for 2 days, too bad. there should never be a tie in professional sports. Period.

What rolly said

Shields suck. I hate wearing them and anyone that does, I still consider a wuss! This is hockey for crips sake, your suppose to get nicked up. if you don't like it go do some curling or figure skating

Most of game out gabroik lack of goal production comes from being hurt all the time, he had over a year to rehab his injury and sat on his thumbs, why rehab when you will get paid to sit? toughen up! there should be a minimum game limit to earn your check. But MAN CAN HE FLY!!!!!

The will be extremely luck if they medal, I wouldn't bet on it. crazy.gif

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I'm glad you posted this because I have a lot of the same feelings.

1. They did need to crack down a little on the hooking/holding type stuff, but they've gone too far. You can't tie a guy up anymore in front of the net or on a backcheck even if you only get their stick. If you have your stick on a guy that prevents a scoring chance it will be called.

2. Agree 100%. 5 minutes is not enough time to score a goal. I didn't realize that high school had a longer OT still and last night Century scored with less than a minute left. The shootout is fun but it's wrong that playoff spots are going to come down to the few points gained by shootout wins.

3. I've always wondered this. All I can come up with is that they're saying they would've called the tripping anyway but the player being tripped had to exaggerate it. I think it's just an easy out for the ref, it should be one or the other 99% of the time. I still don't like the diving penalty at all. If the ref thinks it's a dive, just don't call the penalty. The player has already taken himself out of the play by diving.

4. Because people can't just worry about themselves these days. Why are they so concerned with a player getting a gash in the face or losing a tooth? It's the players own choice, the league has plenty of other things to worry about. I think a player in the NHL is enough of a big boy to decide if they want to wear a shield.

5. I've noticed him missing the net some, maybe not quite as much as you have though. You can bet I'll have it in my mind the rest of the season. He has such great speed and a great shot and he needs to hit the net.

6. I haven't thought too much about the Olympic team and don't have much of an opinion yet.

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My eyes are bleeding from reading this so I'll make it quick.. grin.gif

1. Glad to have the NHL back, not the NHL of the last 8 years where a bunch of big fast athletes playing a neutral zone trap while clutching grabbing holding hacking crosschecking "CHEATING" which of course took all skill players out of the game because of the blatant cheating and basically ruining the NHL, it's fan base and television ratings with boring no flow 1-1 2-1 type of games.

2. This ones easy...RIDICULOUS....get rid of it marketing people should not be making RULES.

3. 10 times you have seen this? I have not seen this yet....it sounds a bit strange, don't think I like it.

4. Yes to protect eye and facial injury.

5. Not enough data...he can't stay in the lineup.

6. Chelios is on the team because he is still one of the best defense-men in the Game, as much as I would like to to see Paul Martin in the Olympics he can't carry Chelios's Jock Strap.

A medal would be a miracle for this years Team.

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1) I WISH that the NHL would start using olympic size ice sheets. Most D-1 colleges use this size, and its the best hockey out there. It would open things up so much. There would be more room for the skill players. Also with more space, players are not on top of eachother, which in turn reduces the number of penalties. There would still be plenty of physical play, more scoring, and better hockey.

2)Shootout sucks, let the people who dont like hockey watch something else.

3)Bad refs

4)This is a joke, these guys are adults, they can decide if they want to wear the stupid facemask or not. If they wanted to wear one, they would. This is not the NHL's responsibility.

5)Gaborik needs some teammates, he is amazing. As long as he can get the puck near the net, it creates scoring chances, and if there were others there to help out, it wouldnt be an issue.

6)Chelios would skate circles around Martin. Dont get me wrong, Martin is a great player, but Chelios is a veteran with leadership, experience and yes, he still can play hockey with the best of them.

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