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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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YESTERDAY WAS HOCKEY day, so we went bowling! Of course it was not really that simple we did watch some hockey as there were games on the TV all day and not till the grand kid's bedtime did I get a chance to actually sit down and watch a period from beginning to end. Grand kids are here over a five day break from school and the wife is enjoying herself. Cooking for a group, washing clothes, bundling kids in hats and gloves and scarfs tied so tight around necks that kids eyes start to bulge out some. As long as the kids are all here so are the dogs and Buster and Mia have joined Buddy, Barney and Duncan, add the four kids and there is not a square foot of snow on the property that does not have a track in the snow.

Friday the kids were split up as the girls spent time over at Elmer's cabin where he put them to work. The girls like going over there because he has so many little knickknacks all over the cabin and they get to pick them up and look them over as long as they have a dust cloth in their hands. The boys headed over to Chucks to help out in the chicken coop and check up on Lucky the duck. Hauling hay to the horses and searching for eggs which this time of the year are few and far between. Why they were away I sat in the kitchen and listen to the wife talk about having all the kids around is just like the good old days. We seem to have different memories of the "Good old days" as my tend to be about fishing and bird hunting and adventures with Chuck.

Yesterday after breakfast the kids did a list of chores, yes they get chores when they are here. Mostly things that I have been meaning to do and have not got around to. As I looked over the completed list I noticed that a lot of the things on the list were stuff that is better done by little hands or things that needed to be done close to the floor. A lot of dusting was done as burning a fire in the fireplace may be all quaint and rustic but it is still very dirty. As a reward for the cleaning we all went bowling in the afternoon. Packed the kids all up in the Tahoe and the wife was left behind with all the dogs. As soon as we got to the bottom of the drive I told the kids they could take their scarfs off. We drove to town and parked in the half full parking lot of the Three Strikes Bowling Alley. Most people figure it is called the Three Strikes because when you get three strikes you call it a turkey and in the summer you win a pass for a free bowling game. Actually the name comes from the Lounge in the bowling ally. Where if you bother the waitress they give you a warning and toss you out after three strikes.

I was last through the door into the bowling alley and I must admit it is one place that never seems to change. I am greeted with a sign taped across the door that simply says "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service and in smaller letters No Gum Allowed" My grand kids were already out of sight as I was not the only grand parent with the same idea of going bowling. I walked pass the pinball machines up against the wall past the bill changer and the automatic ball washing machine. No such thing as walking as groups of kids ran around me heading away from where they just came. Smell of pizza in the air and a faint touch of stale beer from the bowling leagues. I followed the trail in the heavy worn carpet to the counter where Benny the owner was spraying shoes with deodorizer. We exchanged some HIYA's and I was put on a short waiting list for lane number one which has bumpers in place. I ordered a coke from the teenage girl who was working the food counter and waited for my name to be called.

I was just finishing up my second coke when my name was called out over the noise of screaming kids and the sound of bowling balls being dropped onto the wood of the lanes. A few seconds later the crashing of tumbling pins and the occasional whoop and screams of a happy bowlers. I met up with the grand kids on lane number one, they had their balls and were ready to bowl. They wanted me to bowl to and against my better judgment I agreed. To make it fair I had to bounce the ball at least once off the bumpers before I could hit a pin and all four of them kicked my butt. It cost me a round of pop and a pizza, but I had planned on buying that anyway. We made the ride back home and I stopped at the bottom of the drive, where the kids all put their scarfs back on. Today it is thirty-six out and dead calm, my sons the grand kid's fathers have taken all the kids ice fishing so for awhile it is quiet around here. I was going to go to but I am a little sore from bowling and there is some football on I want to watch here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,582,377}

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TAKING A BREAK here, my grand daughter is a slave driver. Seems she had a pretty good project list of things for us. I think her grandmother had some suggestions for the granddaughter to write down. Oldest granddaughter is over at Chuck's hanging out with his wife, they are doing some art project for school. Boys are in the kitchen baking with the wife and I am hiding out from the number two granddaughter and her list. This morning the first thing on the granddaughter's list was to make pancakes. Not just pancakes but figure pancakes, this is where you take a small plastic squeeze bottle with a tapered tip and you draw out shapes on the griddle. You then let them cook for about thirty seconds then fill in the empty spaces with batter. When you flip the pancake the drawn batter is darker then the rest of the pancake and you have a face. This morning I made pancakes in the shape of a whale. I then covered them with Lake Iwanttobethere Maple Syrup and sprinkled on some blue berries making it, yup you guessed it, a Blueberry Whale.

Last night it warmed up and we dug out the fire grate and using broken branches we had ourselves a small bon fire. Kids roasted marshmallows and we did a few hot dogs. Today it is a lot cooler and the sun was out for awhile but is now back behind the clouds and the kids want to stay inside and help the wife make cookies, which of course they will have to sample. Bud and Barney are in the kitchen under the table, Buster is under my desk and Mia and Duncan the two young dogs are just outside running. They just keep running around the cabin in a circle chasing each other. Then they stop for a few minutes and for no reason that I can see they start running again. It is kind of like watching a nascar race with a lot of yellow caution flags.

I did order some tobacco seeds for what may be my newest hobby. I am going to try and grow tobacco here so I can roll my own cigars. Been doing a lot of reading and watching video on the Internet and it looks like it is something that should work. I may take me a while to get the cigar making down but I figured I can at least smoke the mistakes in my pipe. Not that far away from when I will have to start planting stuff in the house and clean the greenhouse. Going to also try growing celery which is another long growing plant. With the garden up at the Resort we have room now to try and grow a few other things and experiment some. We are still eating the home grown spuds and every time we eat French fries someone makes a comment on how it was such a good idea to grow tatters at the Resort. As a matter of fact I think the last of the fall apples are going to be used this afternoon to make pies.

Sunshine Ray has come out with his extended weather forecast and in a word it is going to be cold. Not as cold as a few weeks ago but the wood pile is going to get depleted some. The best part is when we get out of this next cold snap we should be into February. Will be time for going to boat shows and maybe a little warmer fishing weather on the ice. Sun will be higher in the sky and staying out longer. With February in sight March is that much closer and then maybe we will see some melting of snow banks. Plant's trays will be green and before you know it April will be here and the greenhouse will be up and running. Chuck will be busy getting ready for Maple syrup season and our second spring at the Resort will be here. It is already feeling warmer here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,587,134}

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DONG, BONG, DING dong the wind chimes just outside the window of my den are softly banging away and I can hear them inside the cabin. Looking out the window I can see the top of the big pine swaying back and forth and clouds in the sky look to be in a hurry to be somewhere else. As I sit at the desk I can feel the sunshine coming through the window warming up my beard. Might explain why Smokie the cat is trying to lie on my keyboard that too is in the sunshine. I shoo him away but he moves but a few feet to sprawl in the sunshine next to the dwarf orange tree. Carpet of the den is littered with play toys, not kids but Duncan's. He lays at my feet taking up as much room as he can. One eye opens occasionally to watch me and I pretend to ignore him but I nuzzle him from time to time with a stocking toe.

No one but me, the dogs and the cats home this morning. Grand kids are all gone and the wife is out shopping. I sit at the desk with sun shinning on my face and a cigar burning in the ash tray. A steady stream of white cigar smoke rises from the tip and I watch it. When it reaches where the sun shines it curls and takes on a little life of its own. I reach for it and take a few puffs and watch lazy smoke rings form above my head as I lean back in the chair and practice some. This morning has been a lazy one so far, I figure I deserve it after having kids here for the long weekend.

After awhile I get up with cigar in hand and make my way over to the window. The bass thermometer's red needle is pointing at five or six below, can't really tell from my angle. Duncan watches me with one eye making sure I am not really leaving the room. It looks cold outside, the snow looks hard and not really white anymore. It has the look of old snow as nothing new has fallen for over a week. No birds that I can see and the only thing moving other then the wind chimes and the tree branches is a speck of a jet high in the blue sky. I briefly wonder what they are seeing way up there looking down at me. I doubt if the cabin is even a speck they can see.

Buddy walks slowly into the den, sniffs Duncan on the floor and then ignores him. He presses up against my leg and I reach down and rub the old dog behind his ear. I walk back over to the desk and sit down, cigar back to the ash tray. I swivel in my chair and reach for Bud who followed me over and I now give him a serious rubbing with both hands behind his ears and he closes his eyes. I stop and pull my hands away but he leans forward and dips his head back under my hands, he is not done being rubbed yet and so I do, keep rubbing. After another minute of rubbing and tugging he pulls his head back and flaps his ears a few times. Bumps my knee with his nose as if to say "That hit the spot" and turns to find a sun warmed spot on the floor. He walks over makes two complete turns and flops down onto the rug. I watch and wonder like I always do why dogs have to wind themselves before lying down.

I sit back in the chair and with my cigar I blow a few more rings in the air. I tap the cigar on the side of the ashtray and a small ring of ash falls off. I hold the cigar in my hand and raise it up and measure it with my eyes. I figure I got about thirty more minutes of cigar left and then I will have to get some work done. But right now it is just a lazy morning here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,590,367}

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BANG, CLANG, BONG no subtle ringing of wind chimes this afternoon. Strong wind has been blowing since early morning and the wind chimes are slamming up against the siding of the cabin. What little snow that has been resting on top of the crusted snow is being blown by the strong winds into a white out. It is one below out and I have been spending time this morning trying to find a link to a cam somewhere showing a white sandy beach with sunshine and deep blue calm water. Maybe a coconut tree or two and a young gal with a deep dark tan leaving footprints in the warm sand heading in my direction. She would be carrying a tray with a tall cool drink with an umbrella stuck in it and a big smile, I have not found it as of yet.

Not going to get any better either, Sunshine Ray has come out with his forecast and he is calling for Friday to be in the twenties and then we are going into the deep freeze for a week to ten days. Going to take us right through the rest of the month and into February. I wrote awhile back about being in the eye of a winter hurricane, I think we are now on the other side of the storm. Friday I will have to haul wood down to the cabin and make sure that not only the wood box and rack is filled but will have to stack wood between the railings on the deck. I am pretty sure that I will not want to be getting wood from the big pile later in the week. Elmer likes to call this time of the year "The dead of winter," but that is usually meant to describe when we are just cold and buried in snow. Today's wind is anything but quiet as you can hear the howling inside the cabin.

The cabin is not quiet either, the wife made a comment yesterday that the cabin seems to be talking more. Having wood floors and it being dry the floor's creek and groan and occasional there is a pop that can't be explained. Dogs raise their heads and cock ears but they don't get up to investigate and soon they lay their heads back down on the floor. Good time to bake breads and make dinner in the crock pot. I am sure a turkey and a ham will be on the menu for supper this week, any excuse to let the oven warm the kitchen. Wife will spend time knitting scarfs as the grand kids seem to lose them all the time. I'll fire up the sauna and sit a spell, more than likely Chuck and Elmer will come over and we will trade a few stories and sip a few beers. Cribbage board will come out and Elmer will play the winner. While Chuck and I play Elmer will be in the kitchen sweet talking the wife out of some pie.

Time will be spent just looking out the window and rubbing dogs behind the ears. As I sit here and write this I am already planning a list in my head of things that need to be done. If I put the list down on paper then the wife will point things out to me that I should be doing instead of sitting here writing about them. Thing is I don't have much of a problem sitting back in my chair and looking out the big window here. A cigar burning with in reach and a glass with some melting ice cubes in it. I can put up my feet and watch the big blue spruce tree sway in the wind. The big maple at the edge of the lot twists back and forth in the strong wind and now that I am looking at it the snow from the first winter storm has finally been blown off all the branches. The last apple hanging from the old tree catches my eye, even in the winds of January it refuses to fall off the branch, here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,593,000}


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I GOT TO stop talking about the weather as it just seems to keep getting colder out when I do. Was cold enough this morning that when I went out and started the Tahoe I swear the engine when it was turning over was saying Nooooooo Noooooo but it did start. I let it warm up a lot longer then was needed but the older I get the more I like having a warm truck to climb into. I drove into town on what felt like square tires till after a few miles they seemed to round out and the ride got a little smoother. Road was clear of snow and that is a good as in the daylight you can spot the potholes. I try and remember where the bigger ones are for when the sun sets but I am always surprised when I hit one and bounce my head off the roof. I am sure I will be grimacing and feeling bad for the truck till summer.

Have not been to town for a few days so I had a few errands to run around town. Amy's Bakery for some bread and conversation then over to Big Earl's. I was going to buy a few more rolls of tape but when I got to the General Store and made my way to the Big Tape sale, the sale was over. In its place was a mountain of Valentine candy in an assortment of bright red boxes. As I walked on by I was thinking to myself February is almost on us. I did notice that Big Earl had a few Christmas fruit cakes hidden with the chocolates, he will do anything to try and move them things. I had a short list of items that I needed for a few small projects around the cabin and grabbing a hand basket I made quick work of checking off things on the list. Barb checked me out and I was on my way before the Tahoe had a chance too cool.

Next stop was Ma and Pa's Grocery and I made sure to park where the sunshine could keep the Tahoe warm. I open the door to the familiar sound of the bell jingling over the door. Ma was sitting behind the counter watching her soaps on a new flat screen color TV which surprised me. I asked her what happen to the black and white and she told me that Pa has it back by the meat counter. The new flat screen was from their granddaughter, a late Christmas present. I made my way to the back of the store and Pa came from around the counter with a sliver of bologna in his hand. He looked behind me and then asked "Where is Duncan" I told Pa that Duncan had stayed home, to cold. Pa just said "Smart dog" and popped the piece of bologna in his mouth He then turned and said "I'll get your turkey" I made some small talk and then paid for my turkey, Pa handed me a small white wrapped package and just said "For the dogs" I nodded my thanks and made my way out the door, the bell jingling overhead.

Last stop was the Lodge and I was only there long enough to check my mail and carry in a piece of firewood. Gus had the sign up by the door for when you come in to bring a stick of firewood with ya and so I did. The wood I tossed in the wood box and I grabbed the poker and gave the fire a couple of prods. Drapes were all pulled back and sunshine was streaming in. At least the one good thing about cold weather this time of the year is we usually get ample sunshine. I walked by the wall panel for Windy the Windmill and saw all the lights were green and she was charging away. I would imagine after the brisk winds of the past few days the batteries are all at full charge and we sold some power back to the co-op. Close enough to lunch that I made myself a Coney, but just one and I ate it as I headed back out to the Tahoe. I drove back to the cabin and was day dreaming about some summer fishing when I hit a pothole and bounced my head off the roof. Going to have to try and remember that one, here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,594,363}

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THIS TIME OF year it is nice to have a full beard. When it gets cold out I tend to let the beard grow out and then trim it back come summer. I do notice a change in the way the ladies treat me though when I have my beard nice and full and bushy. Not the way you are thinking, but it seems when I wear the full beard ladies seem to ask me more questions. I was at the Lodge this morning and the Fellows were all sitting at the big round table drinking coffee. A couple of the guys have full beards while the others are clean shaven. For this conversation mustaches did not count as everyone here at Lake Iwanttobethere seems to have a mustache, even a few ladies in the Ladies Auxiliary. We didn't say that out too loud as they were holding a meeting in the small room as we sat at the round table.

OK so the beards, I notice when I am on the street tourists seem to come up to me and ask questions or directions. The Fellows were talking about this as it has happen to them to. Just yesterday I was standing next to Hammering Hank who does not have a beard and a lady asked where she could buy some firewood. The lady asked me the question not Hank who was standing alongside of me wearing his carhart coat with a patch in the shape of a log right over his heart that said "Lake Iwanttobethere Firewood Company". I looked at the lady and pointed a thumb at Hank and the lady thanked me and then asked Hank about some firewood. One of the Fellows while sipping on his coffee said he read a story where they have proven that guys with beards are looked on as "Manly Men" and women just pick the guys with the beards out of a crowd when they needed manly things done.

Heads nodded around the table and I was starting to agree with the Fellows, normally that is not a good thing. Of course the story about the beards was only referring to things the ladies wanted done, like chopping wood, fixing plumbing or working on cars. Greg said "Case in point, Bob Vila, he has a beard" and I found myself once again nodding my head in agreement. Al Borland from Home Improvement, he had a beard and I found myself deep in thought stroking my own beard. "Big Earl has a beard and look how many ladies come to him for advice" said Tiny. " But he owns the General Store, ladies are going to come to him and ask questions" I said "So why does no one ask Junior anything, anyone notice he does not have a beard?" Steve asked. I found myself again stoking my beard again, deep in thought. Gus listening to the conversation from behind the bar said "I just got one name for ya" and we all turned in our chairs and looked at him. Gus just said "Chuck Norris" and we all nodded our heads in agreement.

This beard thing has me thinking now, I do seem to get asked a lot of questions about things. I was thinking it is because I am getting older and there is a good chance that I might actually know the answers so that is why people ask me questions. But as I was thinking I starting thinking about politicians, they never seem to have an answer for anything but then again how many politicians have you seen wearing beards. Just then Marv and Elmer came into the Lodge, they came over to the round table and we filled them in on the conversation. Neither one of them have beards and I asked why not. Elmer just said "The day I shaved my beard the x wife stopped asking me questions, it worked for me so I have not grown it back" Marv nodded his approval and just said "Same thing happen to me" Now I am wondering if I shave my beard off will the wife stop asking me to do stuff around the cabin, here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,598,746}

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I FEEL THE warm breeze in my face and as I look out at the water the rain looks like it has pretty much stopped. Just a few small drops are falling hitting the surface of the lake making small dimples before being absorbed by the water I pull the hood back off my head and slip my arms out of the sleeves of the rain jacket. I shake it a little before tossing it back on the driver's seat. I will leave it there so it can dry out some and so that it will be handy if I need it again. I pick up my rod and launch a lazy cast out towards the green of the shore. The little lure slips quiet like into the water and the splash is not much bigger then one of the last random rain drops that drip off the overhanging tree.

The prop of the trolling motor is barely turning over and the Puddle Humper is hardly moving down the shore but it is moving. No wake behind me but if I stare at a reed alongside the boat it does slip behind me. I reel the little lure in and as I do I am already looking ahead for the next spot to cast to. With an easy motion I go through the well practice act of lifting the rod and casting the rod. I watch the line flow through the guides being pulled out by the lure to land softly just a tad to the left of where I was aiming. I reel slowly and I let my eyes wander. I am just coming up on a dock and I move the trolling motor just a nudge so I will clear it. I see a couple of goats, pets I am guessing working on the grass around the brown cabin. They take turns watching me float by but they never stop chewing. I have a passing thought that maybe a couple of goats is what I need back at home. Mowing the lawn has never been high on my list of things I want to be doing in the summer.

Come to think of it that might be one of the better reason to have snow, if you have snow you have no grass to mow. No one says anything if you let your snow pile up two feet in your yard but if you were to let the grass grow two feet there would be a notice on the door and the town council would have you on the docket for the next meeting. Goats, Hmm I'll have to think some more about that. I glide pass the dock and I turn the trolling motor off, I come to a stop and holding the lure just out of the water I look down. I can see some bluegills, small ones just under the dock and they are just holding their position. Fins moving but not going anywhere. The water is calm and I can see the reflection of my rod in the water and the side of the Puddle Humper. A couple of water bugs come out from under the dock. They always remind me of little trucks with tire's way too big. Matter of fact when I see little trucks all jacked up with tires too big they remind me of water bugs.

I watch for awhile, the water bugs that is. I make a wager with myself that the bluegills will dash out from under the dock and chase down the water bugs but nothing happens. Maybe the gills see me as a big water bug and don't want anything to do with me. Maybe the water bugs know this and have come out from cover knowing they are safe, for now. I sit back in my chair and turn the trolling motor back on, I aim it for the reed point and sit back and enjoy the ride. Going to take me a few minutes to get there but I am in no hurry. I open the bail on the reel and let a few yards of line out. The little lure sinks beneath the surface and now I am trolling. I feel the warm breeze on my face and I raise a hand to tug at my beard. I open my eyes and see snow outside my window and find myself sitting in the recliner, the space heater at my feet blowing in my face. For a little while there I was fishing, here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,602,120}

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EVER NOTICE YOU only have furnace problems in the dead of winter, and the oven seems to stop working when you have a big chunk of prime rib on the counter. Yesterday I got kind of lazy and let the fire die and the furnace had to come on. Trouble is it didn't want to stay on and I had to go down in the basement and do some trouble shooting. Got the furnace running and a fire started and we were back being cozy in no time. This morning I was up early and the furnace was running fine and I had a fire going, decided to sit back on the couch and watch the weather channel and see how everyone was making out down south. Must have dozed off as I was woke up by the wife shaking my shoulder. She was telling me that the furnace if off again and what part of it does she hit to make it work.

Back to the basement and I got it running again but I made sure she didn't see what I was doing. I am now waiting on a return call from Jeff the furnace guy to schedule a cleaning and maybe a replacement of the fan control. So I come up to the kitchen and sit back, half listening to the wife and half waiting for the furnace to go through a cycle when the phone rings. My neighbor Chuck is on the line and he tells me about his problem right after I tell him mine. Seems they were going to put a prime rib in the oven yesterday and the oven went out on him. Long story short he to is waiting on Jeff to give him a call. So we figure that Jeff can't call us if we are both talking to each other and decide to end our call. I did offer to let Chuck use my oven to cook his prime rib and he said he would bring it over if he does not hear from Jeff.

Another cold one here at Lake Iwanttobethere and I wish I was talking about beer. When I got up this morning it was south of twenty below out and once it gets that cold I don't much care to check anymore. Dogs go outside and barely make it off the deck to do their thing. Quickly they are back at the door and if they don't see me standing there they will bark a few times to get my attention. I'll let them in the cabin and before I can get the door closed and the rug pushed up against the bottom of it all three of them will be on the couch taking my warm spot. I have to wedge myself between two of them in order to get any space to sit. Using them as arm rests we soon are comfortable and I must admit they are warm as soon as their hair gets back up to room temperature after being outside.

I guess we are breaking a bunch of records for being so cold and so much snow on the ground. Fuel prices are going through the ceiling and a lot of people are saying it is even too cold to get cabin fever in these parts. I have gotten in the habit of plugging the Tahoe in all the time. Lucky for me I have a switch inside the cabin that lets me turn the power on and off to the cord. This way I can flick the switch on and at least start to warm up the engine for an easier start. I use to have a remote car starter, actually several of them but they all moved out and have their own cars now. As I was talking to Chuck I told him I had a dream the other night. I went on vacation and he asked me where. I told him my dream was to just drive south till no one knew what the plug hanging from under my hood was for. Seems like everyone here has one at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,609,007}

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JUST A FEW days away from Duncan's third birthday. Hard to believe that he has been around already three years. Seems that it was only a few months ago that he was just a pup running around the cabin carrying shoes and boots and dragging pillows onto the floor to sleep on. Come to think of it just yesterday he was carrying shoes and boots and dragging pillows onto the floor to sleep on. Of course he has grown a lot but Duncan is still Duncan. I was sitting on the couch this morning watching some TV and Duncan jumped up on the couch next to me. The wife was not home so I didn't make a deal about telling him to get off. He put his head on my shoulder and stared at me with one eye while the other I imagine was looking at the TV. As labs tends to do he lifted his head back off my shoulder and gave me a big quiet yawn like he was bored.

It was a commercial so I turned to him and asked him what he wanted. Like most if not all dog owners I have conversations with my dogs. There is nothing wrong with that just as long as I don't expect them to talk back to me. That does not mean that Duncan does not try. After I asked the question I got another big yawn but this one had some noise to go along with it. I figured it was the "I want to go outside yawn" and so I got up and let him out the deck door. First off I can tell it is warming up some as the storm door is not so hard to push open. The door closer was not froze like it has been the past few days.

A few minutes later and the back door bell rings as Duncan was ready to come back in the cabin. He jumps up and hits the button with his paw and then waits till I come and open the door. No sooner do I close the door and Duncan is sitting behind me and gives me another yawn and a little whining and a little bark. I figure he was looking for water and I checked the bowl in the kitchen, it was full. While I am looking at the bowl Duncan is over where we keep the dog biscuits and another short series of howls and whines make me think he wants a bone. I open the box make him shake my hand and then reward him with the bone. He leaves, no doubt heading for the den where he will eat it on the rug in the sunshine.

I make my way back to the couch only to find Bud and Barney laying on the cushions and taking up the entire couch. I am beginning to sense that Duncan was sent to distract me while the older dogs got comfortable. I return to the den where I sit down and Duncan now done with his bone is going through a routine of standing and stretching. Leaning forward and then back he stretches out and goes through a complete set of vocals for me. Not even thinking I find myself stretching my arms over my head and joining him. Has me wondering a little who is in charge here. Done stretching I swivel in my chair and face the computer and as I move the keyboard Duncan jumps up and rests his paws on the desk top and puts his head on my shoulder. We look at each other eye to eye from about three inches away and we talk. Well at least I do, I tell him nothings and he looks at me and is in total agreement. I give him a hug and he hugs back, something I have been training him to do.

With our hug over with he gets off the edge of the desk and walks around me to the sunny spot on the den floor. He lays down on the rug and rolls on his side so he can watch me and gives me one more quiet yawn. Sure would be interesting to be able to speak dog, even for just one day. Maybe then I would know what is going on around here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,613,083}


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I SURE DO hate it when I have to pay someone to do something for me. Today Jeff the furnace guy was out to the cabin and as I suspected the limit switch on my furnace had gone bad. I mean geeze it was only twenty-five years old. You would think it would have been good for at least another year or so. Kidding aside Jeff is a good guy and he replaced the switch and cleaned the furnace at the same time. Took him a couple of hours at least as that is what he billed me for and as I sat at the desk and wrote the check I was thinking there goes gas money for a few fishing trips this spring. Not much I can do about it and the wife patted me on the shoulder and gave me that wifely advice on how we needed it done and at least we won't have to worry about the furnace now. I was thinking something different, more along the lines that I won't hear her down in the basement pounding on the furnace trying to get it going and the check was written out of my fishing fund.

Spent the rest of the afternoon doing little odd jobs but I kept finding myself listening for the sound of the fan on the furnace. You know how that goes, you get something fixed or replaced and then you focus on that for awhile, just to make sure it is really fixed. The wife took pity on me and made peanut butter cookies to try and get my mind off the furnace. I told her that apple pie would really make me forget but she told me I was pushing my luck. On a good note the clouds did clear up and it got warmer then forecasted. Nice to see the sun getting up high enough that it can melt some snow on the sidewalk.

Chuck has not fixed his oven, told me he was going to wait till after we come back from our little ice fishing trip we have planned in just a over a week. If he has some money left then he will fix the oven, if not the wife will just have to wait till he gets around to it. Chuck has not been married long, he has a few things to learn yet. I am going to out on a limb here and I am forecasting by the time Valentines Day gets here we are going to get a break in the weather. Not going to be spring like but I am forecasting we will finally be done with these minus twenty below nights. Matter of fact Sunshine Ray is calling for it to hit eighteen below tonight and my kids tell me my grand kids are going to go to school, no matter what tomorrow.

Heading down to the Lodge tonight, hockey game on TV and I could use some time drinking a few mugs of Hamms and munching on some popcorn. Been spending way to much time here at the cabin and me and Duncan need to get out. Besides I am thinking that a few beers might be bought for Duncan to celebrate his coming birthday and he is too young to drink so someone has to drink for him. Don't worry about us getting back to the cabin, if I have had a few to many I am sure Duncan will take the keys from me. I just hope no one sneaks him any beers so he will still be OK to drive, here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,618,083}

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SLOPPY HOCKEY GAME last night at least the first two periods were but then the game got interesting with some late period scoring. For a moment there we thought the home team was making a come back but it fell short. With no win to celebrate we looked for an excuse to hoist just one more beer and we found one. Elmer looking over the top of his mug brought up that tomorrow, which is today is the Chinese New Year. Well that sounded like a good enough thing to toast to since last night then became the Chinese New Years Eve. With the game over a few guys left and all but the regulars and the Fellows were still hanging around. The Fellows were all gathered around the big round table but the yellow think pad sat undisturbed in the center of the table. No one had any ideas and they were not working on anything, the Fellows were bored.

Looking out the deck window of the Lodge Lake Iwanttobethere was there for as far as the eye could see. A cold crystal clear night and the stars filled the night sky. A few shanties on the ice held fishermen, you could tell by trucks parked alongside them. Of course the small windows of light shining in the night is also a good give away that someone was home. I made my way over to the popcorn popper and made one last batch for the night. The seasoned oil went into the hopper followed by a measuring cup of popcorn. I closed the lid and waited for the first kernel to pop. A minute or so later and the popping started and the popcorn popped till it lifted the lid and started to tumble out over the side of the hopper. With a few last pops I reached in and hit the release and dropped the hopper onto its side where the rest of the popcorn fell to form a small roasted white mountain.

I had already lined a few wicker baskets with napkins and I made quick work scooping the hot popcorn into the baskets. I turned to walk away with one of the baskets and Greg was standing there with his hands open. I handed him the basket and went back to make another one. No sooner did I get that one filled them Elmer was looking over my shoulder and I could hear his nose sniffing away like Buddy does when the wife is baking cookies. I didn't even bother to turn around I just held out the basket to my side and Elmer took it and was gone. Hardly enough popcorn for a decent basket so I added oil and seed and made another batch. Making popcorn is kind of like working at the hardware store and making the mistake of getting caught at the key machine.

I used to work part time at the hardware store, just helping out and working for the discount. One of the old guys taught me how to make keys with the old cutter and a few tricks of the trade in how to make keys from broken or worn out ones. He warned me about the sound of a key being made to a guy is like the sound of a can opener to a cat. I would cut a key or two for someone and I would turn around to find a line with guys who suddenly were reminded that they needed a key cut or ten. As I watched the popcorn pop I reached into my pocket and pulled out my truck keys. I sorted through them till I found the double cut ford truck key, it was the first key I had learned how to cut and even though the truck is long gone I still have the key and the old memory of the truck.

A couple of more batches of popcorn later and I finally had a basket to myself of hot steaming popcorn. I went to the kitchen and put a couple of pats of butter in a bowl and put the butter into the microwave. A few seconds later and I poured the butter on the popcorn and went out the double doors to the kitchen and back to the main room. Everyone was looking at me and noses were twitching, no doubt at the smell of butter popcorn that their wives do not let them have. I quickly made my way to my office and closed the door. Duncan sleeping on the couch looked up at me and his nose started twitching, I was safe no where with my popcorn here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,621,537}

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HAD SOME SHOPPING to do in the big city today so most of the afternoon was spent trying to find a place to park. I have seen junkyards with better parking then how people park in the big city mall parking lot. Of course it might help if the guys who plowed the parking lot would actually put the blade down low enough so that it made contact with the asphalt. The parking reminded me a lot of a hot crappie bite back here at Lake Iwanttobethere with no two cars pointed in the same direction. Of course on the lake there are no yellow lines showing you where to park and on a good winter there is no need for marked roads. On the lake you can just go where ever your truck can take you, it is after all a lake. I saw cars parked three deep leaving no where for the middle cars to get out. I saw cars who just stopped in the middle of a driving lane like it was a good spot and the drivers just got out and walked away.

Got to the point that I would just let the daughter out and drive around trying not to get bottled in by other shoppers looking for places to park. The daughter was shopping for shoes and you know that by itself can be frustrating but after the third shop she found a pair and we were done. We did stop at a sit-down place to eat because the daughter didn't want any fast food. Nice enough place, we had to wait to be seated and I jokingly kidded the daughter about getting a seat before senior hour started. No sooner then we sat down then a line of seniors appeared pushing walkers or leaning on each other. I was pretty comfortable as I fit right in with the crowd and I got a few smiles from a few older ladies and a few looks from their partners.

Had me a pretty decent clubhouse sandwich and a glass of milk, would have been a decent enough meal if I didn't have a server coming to check on me every two minutes or so. Asking if I wanted my water refilled or coffee topped off. Thing is I had a full glass of water and I was not drinking coffee. No one asked if I wanted my glass of milk topped off even though they charged me two dollars for the little glass. Server checked on me three more times and tried to get me to buy a dessert, don't him after the milk I didn't have any money left except for his tip and then he left me alone.

Daughters treat so she paid the bill and I went out to find a car parked behind the Tahoe blocking me in. Was a little car so I was thinking about just putting the Tahoe in four wheel drive and just backing the Tahoe out and pushing the little car out of the way. Before I could follow through a young guy jumped in the car and backed out of the way. He pulled off to the side and as I started to back out he tried to cut in front of me and take my parking space. I kept backing up and before I was clear he had his little car parked and was out the door. Didn't even give me a look or a wave and as I sat the daughter just said "Dad" in the same way the wife does when she knows I am thinking of doing something that I shouldn't. I must admit on the way back home I was turning over a few ideas in my head. I did have a gallon of water in the back of the Tahoe that would have been perfect for icing the little car's tires onto the asphalt of the parking lot or I could have put a few blocks of wood behind the tires on the passenger side. Might have been fun just to watch him try to get the little car unstuck.

But I didn't do any of that, I just drove home chatting with the daughter and watching the sunset as we drove. After five and the sun was still in the sky, traffic was light and the road was dry and before you knew it we were making the turn to Lake Iwanttobethere. Of course as I drove through town I didn't see anyone double parked, no one does that around here. Of course there was a time when some people might have tried it, once. But when you come out and find your car picked up and placed sideways back in a parking space or find all four of your tires jacked up off the snow and resting on blocks you tend to park right. At least that is how I hear they take care of bad and inconsiderate parkers here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,624,482}

Happy Birthday Duncan 36 months old!

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SO THAT RODENT out East saw his shadow and we are in for six more weeks of winter. Now that is a surprise! Heads up everybody this is winter in the northland, does anyone really think it is going to be warm out come mid February Of course we are going to have six more weeks of winter, geeze I will go out on a limb here and predict we will have seven, no make that eight more weeks of winter. Now what exactly is winter, is it below zero weather or just snow on the ground. Does snow falling on the ground count or is it still winter if you have a hard starting truck. If I remember right we might have had snow on the ground here last May so I feel pretty safe saying winter is going to be around longer then the six weeks that the rodent forecasted.

Super bowl Sunday and I don't have the TV on. Not really interested in the four hour pre game show. I will be heading to the Resort to watch the game as we are having a little get together there. Vic has been planning a super bowl party and the guys will all be there and Marv is cooking in the kitchen. Lots of finger food has been promised along with some really cold beer. Of course I will be bring along a few things as the wife as I write this is baking a double batch of peanut butter cookies. I think the wife is having her own super bowl party here but I am sure the TV will not be on, instead she and her friends will just sit in the living room with some box wine and do girl talk.

Yesterday was Duncan's birthday and we spent time at the Lodge in the evening. Somehow I got the bill for a round of drinks and Duncan received several boxes of dog biscuits for presents. I had to take the biscuits and hide them high up on a shelf in my office just like I would do with the kids Halloween candy. Duncan made the rounds going from table to table getting ears rubbed and pats on the back. Like a proud papa I watched my boy make his rounds and got a few pats on the back myself. Also some comments from fellow Lodge members about how well Duncan has turned out even after having an owner like me. Or like good thing Duncan does not have the same shape as his master. Well that part is true, he sure is ripped and it is not from getting exercise with me.

Killing time here at the cabin as I wait for the long pre game show to get over with. I sat back at the desk and did what I always do when I have time to kill, I started to clean the desk. Seems to be a never ending task as when I say desk I am talking about a serious size desk. The base is an old lawyer's desk that must be close to a hundred years old by now and I have a four by eight sheet of oak plywood on top of it. After you put the computer and monitor on it and of course the printer and a set of speakers along with a modem and a router it starts to get a little full. Add on a desk calculator and a telephone and a desk size calendar and you are starting to run out of space. Since it is tax season there are folders stacked along side the CPU and one of them plastic dividers to hold bills in. A stack of seed catalogs and fishing catalogs some loose stamps and my eye glass case. A small color TV rests in one corner partially blocked by coffee cups filled with pencils and pens and the odd screwdriver and scissors. Box of tissue paper some small parts in a cardboard box and an ashtray with the stub of a cigar in it. Also a few boxed fishing lures that I just picked up and my truck keys.

As I write this you see I have a lot of stuff on my desk and I still have more. A water bottle a stack of tape, a set of headphones and remote controls for the TV, stereo and disk changer. A can of compress air and a stack of paper for the printer. Some expired auto parts coupons and a stack of receipts. Not one but two little battery chargers for double a batteries. Pair of binoculars some chapstick my cameras and the humidor for my cigar's. A pack of golf balls some treble hooks in a plastic box, a flashlight and remote reader for the outside thermometer in the green house. Yup I need to clean the desk, but I am already tired just listing all the stuff on the desk, besides it must be all on the desk for a reason. At least that is what I tell the wife every time she tells me I should clean my desk, here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,627,258}

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BEEN WORKING ON my calendar this morning, drawing lines through events that have already happen. Super bowl is done, not that it was really that super but it does mark the end of football season. January is now behind us and we should be seeing temperatures start to rise in a few more weeks. Boat show will be here soon and down at the Lodge Arlo will be starting his steelhead classes. Duncan has had his birthday and Bud and Barney birthdays will be here in just a couple of months. Sun seems to be higher and staying out longer every day which is good. I can now sit in front of the den window and work on making some vitamin D. Bright enough today that the sunshine is shinning on my keyboard and screen making it hard to type. I could just move but the sun feels good on my face.

Way to much snow on the ground and even though it has not really snowed any over the past month we are still buried in snow from the very first storm of the season. I noticed this morning when I drove into to town that just about every roof still has snow on it. Not just a dusting either but a foot or more is common. I had to wait for a few deer to cross my path just down from Elmer's driveway. I have noticed that we are seeing deer mid day out searching for food and yesterday I also spotted a couple of rabbits and Edd and Eddie. The bird feeder is empty and now that I write that I am reminded I was supposed to pick up some more seed. Wood shed has a pretty good dent in it but I am still good for a few more cold months. Sunshine Ray on his radio program announced that this has been the coldest winter in twenty years. On a positive note when all of this snow melts there will be water to fill the lake and at least a decent runoff for the steelhead fishing.

Should be a good skeeter season to as the swamps will have water and with the promise of gypsy moths it is going to be a buggy summer. This morning I got distracted at Big Earls General Store when I spotted a sale of mini greenhouses for indoor planting. I bought three of them and a bag of potting soil. The potting soil was in the warehouse and the bag looked like a frozen beaver tail. I now have it sitting in the sunshine trying to thaw out. Will have to leave it there for a few days so it can warm up before I fill the little greenhouses with dirt and plant this year's garden experiment, tobacco. The seed starting is on my calendar but with sunshine on my face I am getting a little antsy to start. The wife left me a couple of picture frames with some updated grand kid's pictures that she wants me to hang in the hall. But as soon as she walked out of the room the pictures and hammer found their way to the desk top. I was not going to put them up till I first checked my calendar.

We are so deep into this winter that when it is ten above out like it is now it feels almost right. I guess going outside in minus twenty degree weather makes ten above feel warm. No wonder when we hit a few days of forties in March we will be in tee shirts going down to get the mail. Like most people I live here because I like the changing of the seasons. Would be nice if the season were really like the calendar says. Three months of summer is too short and three months of winter would be just right if it really was just three months. Sitting back in my chair I am now thinking just what the perfect length for the seasons should be. Three months of winter works for me with one month of spring and four months of summer. That would leave four months of fall which for me is my favorite time of the year. That would be just about enough time to get in some fishing, bird hunting, deer season and football could still be played outside with no threat of snow. A little golf could be played and everything in the garden would finally be ripe at harvest time. Maybe I will just move the dates around on my calendar and see if it catches on here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,634,653}

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SUN IS HAVING to work some to get through the cloud cover here at Lake Iwanttobethere today. Been in and out of the cabin this morning running errands and getting a few jobs checked off the never ending to do list. I just came back in from an attempt at moving snow away from in front of the solar collector. With all this sunshine of the past few days I thought I would shovel some of the snow away from the front of the collector so more of the collector would get sunshine. Easier said then done as the snow is so compacted that the shovel just bounced off. After a few attempts I decided that I would just let the sun work on melting it at its own pace.

My gear bag is packed and resting in the corner of the den, still a green light for going on a little two day fishing trip this weekend. Chuck and I have been invited up to a lake north of here with a deer camp buddy. Matter of fact several of the guys from deer camp are going to try and make the trip. A big old ice house has been rented with all of the bells and whistles and we are going to go up and rough it. I just have to bring clothes and some small gear everything else is supposed to be provided so we shall see. Weather looks pretty good and we both have been given the green light by our spouses to go. Matter of fact we were just talking, Chuck and I that the lades almost are a little too nice wanting to get us out of the cabins. In the past when the wife urges me to go on a trip she is planning on doing something to the cabin.

A few years ago I left for an overnight trip and I came back to find the furniture moved around in the cabin and I just don't mean a chair in a different corner. I found out the hard way as I tripped over an ottoman that we never owned before and landed on end table that didn't quite meet my weight requirements. The smashed table did burn nicely in the fire pit as it was beyond repair. A few days later I bought a mess of night lights and plugged them around the cabin. I told the wife they were for the grand kids to find there way around but really they are for me so I don't find any more surprises. I don't know if anyone else has the problems with furniture like I do but the wife rearranges the furniture in the rooms every time the seasons change. The only room that does not get "rearranged" is the den, but that is mostly because I have screwed everything down.

Kitchen cupboards is another thing she changes. Nothing worse than reaching in a cabinet to get a glass in the middle of the night and come up with a bag of beans. Seems when she cleanses cupboards she can't just put things back in the same place, she has to move them. In that regards she does not take after her mother at all. Last winter the mother in law wanted me to come over and fix a shelf in one of her kitchen cabinets. I arrived to find a shelf with a bow in it like the back of an old mule. Seems she has had her "Good" china on the same shelf for like thirty years. Never flipped the shelf or moved the china, as it was the good china. Matter of fact I think the good china is so good it has never been used. I went home and saw that our "Good China" shelf was starting to get a bow in it so I started eating Coney's off the plates. "Good China" is now in storage someplace and the wife has another shelf she can rearrange and hide water glasses here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,638,843}

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THE I.R.S. HAVE me scratching my head yet again. Just filed my taxes and who knows when I will see or hear anything back from them. Been waiting on a 1099 that finally arrived in a small zip locked bag. Yup Mark the mailman hand delivered it to me this morning. From what was printed on the plastic bag and Mark's explanation the envelope with my tax form got shredded somehow in the ultra modern sorting machine at the big city post office. The note on the bag explained that sometimes things happen and they are out of their control and they hope I am not inconvenienced by the accident. Lucky for me the information that I needed was on the side that was delivered. The other half was gone but I had a record from last year with the missing information. Meanwhile my son got his tax refund back and my daughter who filed a week earlier is still being processed. I have no idea how they do things but I am figuring it has something to do with a dart board.

With taxes out of the way I can now return to cruising the Internet in search of valuable information. Translation I am just a tad bored and I am looking for fishing videos and tactics for catching smallmouths. I think I have mentioned that one of the local lakes has become a secret smallmouth hot spot and I need to freshen up some on my approach to catching them. Most of the fishing I have been doing for smallmouths has been river fishing or the occasional trip up into the BWCA in spring or late fall when the skeeters are not as big as in the summer. Even with everyone complaining about catching smallmouth when searching for walleye no one wants to give up the smallmouth spots. I am thinking that they think I will try fishing for walleyes in the spots they caught smallmouth because they were really there looking for walleyes. Walleye guys think like that, at least that is the way Elmer is.

So I have been spending time running down deals on fishing tackle and comments about the local lake. Sticker shock on some of the hard lures and I might have to order some things for the Bait Room at the Resort just so I can get a good price break. Just one of the advantages of owning ones own tackle shop. Am so sick about talking and writing about the weather that I figure some good old middle of the winter Cabin fever talk would be good. Of course with the little ice fishing trip in just a few days I should be distracted unless the weather is bad and the fishing lousy. Buddies will be there and I am sure we will have stuff to talk about. I have already made sure that no beans are coming on the trip and that Gary is not allowed to drink any Molson beer, it does not agree with him and if you add beans to the mix. Well it is just not the right combination to have in a sleeper out on the ice.

I did talk to big Earl at the General Store and checked to see if the wife has made any purchases in the past week. I am thinking that If I am gone for a couple of days that would giver her just enough time to start painting a room or something. She does not have to finish painting the room just get past the point of no return so that when I come back I will have to do it. As far as Big Earl could tell she has not bought any paint and we both questioned Barb the cashier just to make sure. Taking it one step further I asked if Chucks wife had been in to buy anything, I would not be surprised if the two of them would be working together. As I was writing this the wife came in with a cup of tea and asked me how I was and if everything is still a go for the weekend. I told her yes and she turned and left the room with Duncan following. I could hear her on the phone in the kitchen talking to someone but I could only make out her saying "Yes, he is going" and then she saw me peeking around the den opening and went quiet. If I was suspicious at all I would think that something is going on, here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,642,991}

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SUNNY, WINDY AND cold here today at Lake Iwanttobethere. I just got back inside as I had to go outside and adjust the latch on the wood gate. The post has shifted some probably because of the weight of the snow piled up against the fence. Did not move much but just enough so that the gate can't latch. With the wind blowing the gate keeps opening up and then slamming close. The dogs hear the slamming gate and figure someone is here so they start barking to tell me. I finally had enough of telling them no one is here and getting dirty looks from them. Put a coat on and took a screw gun out and moved the latch over so it will now catch the swinging gate, I got the to do list out and added fix gate and then put a check mark next to it, now I can take a break.

A little excited here about going fishing up at Woods Lake, almost but not quite as excited as when I would get to go to summer fish camp when I was a kid. I have packed and unpacked the gear bag three times and each time I seem to add a few more things. I know it is one of those "We have everything for you places" but it is always better to have your own gear. Chuck tells me we will be traveling in a heated track vehicle to and from the shack so first thing I took out was a big oversized fur lined hooded parka, because you know the heat will go out in the vehicle. I then packed away several of them heat packs in the pockets of the parka and added some more inside the gear bag. A couple of small candles and two small boxes of wood matches along with a lighter and my cigar blow torch lighter. Never know when you may need light or have to start a fire.

This morning I made the trip into town and filled up the gas tank on the Tahoe. Cleaned out the back so there is room for my gear bag and a couple of cases of refreshments. A cooler to keep things warm and a sleeping bag. Checked the air in the tires all the way around and had to add some. I checked the window wash but it has been awhile since it has been even warm enough to squirt the glass so I was still good. A bag of Kit Kat's in the center console and I stopped by Marv's Smoke Shop for a half a dozen cigars. Last stop before leaving town was the bank where I picked up ten dollars in rolled nickel's, a little poker money. I debated about going to Amy's Bakery for a loose meat sandwich but decided it was a good idea and ordered three of them. Two were wrapped with a little extra paper and put in the cooler and the other one I had for breakfast, tasty.

Back at the cabin here and the gear bag is resting by the door. Wife is putting the final touches on a box of goodies for us and she won't let me peek inside to see what she has packed. I have in a round about way asked her several times what she has going on this weekend while I am gone and she has not really answered me. Now has me thinking she is just messing with me but I did to a search of the cabin looking for some hidden paint cans or wallpaper. I came up with a lame excuse that I was searching for a missing pair of gloves but I don't know if she believed me or not. Duncan has been at my side the entire time, even helped me search the closets. I would open the door and he would nose around some them look back at me waiting for me to tell him what we were searching for. I am pretty sure he knew something was up but he just could not help me out. He did act a little guilty when I was looking under the bed in the spare bedroom and found the wife's missing slipper. I held it up for him to see and he gave me that Lab guilty look and tried not to make eye contact. I chuckle some and just tossed the slipper back under the bed and gave him a pat, his secret is safe.

With the gear bag packed and the goodie box resting on top of it I am now sitting in the den with a cigar smoking in the ash tray with in reach. Smoky the big tom cat is laying on my arm in the sunshine pouring through the window and refuses to leave. Makes typing a little interesting but he has me thinking he knows I am leaving. Actually I am pretty sure that I am just in his way and he wants to lay where the sun will be on him. Should have a story about fishing come Monday so I hope you have a good weekend, I will because I am going fishing here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,646,766}

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DAY ONE OR should I say night one.. It has been my experience that one should always prepare for the worse when leaving someone else in charge of planning any kind of fishing or hunting trip. This way when it turns into an adventure you are prepared. Our small caravan of two trucks made the late afternoon evening run to Woods Lake needing just one stop for fuel, coffee and a rest room break. That was the good part of the evening. We arrived to be told that our booking to the lavished shanty on the ice missing and the lavish ice house was already occupied and would be through the weekend. However we were informed that one of the local guides did have a shanty out on an isolated bay on the lake and it just so happen that it was available for the weekend. The resort guy called the guide who agreed to rent it out to us at a substantial discount since the lavish shanty was not available.

We were told that there would be no ride in a heated track vehicle but we could just meet the guide on the lake and follow him to the shack in our own trucks. Some small talk was exchanged between us and since we were pretty much screwed and had no place to go we took the offer and the resort guy called the guide back and set up a meet. I could type up several pages about the rest of the evening but that would just make this story too long to post. I will just go ahead and touch on a few of the highlights of the evening. We met the guide who went by the name Slinger how he got his name I am sure is an entertaining story he tells his clients during lulls in fishing trips. We followed him in his beat up truck mostly by the one working red tail light that kept blinking off and on as he drove across the ice. We arrived to find the ice house cold and partly jacked up. Seems Slinger the guide was just getting ready to move it when he took our booking.

Since we were there we now helped move the shanty about a quarter mile from where it was. The furnace was started and lights were turned on. When we asked about holes Slinger the guide told us he had forgotten the auger but would be back come early morning to drill us holes. Guys tossed gear bags on bunk beds and we settled in. Cards were brought out and coins dug out of pockets. I watched as Slinger the guide single red tail light blinked out for the last time and closed the door making sure it was secure. That is when I noticed the "No Smoking" sign on the back of the door.

A card game was started but it was only played for a few hands, with no holes to fish over the guys just decided we might just as well turn in and get an early start in the morning. I was the last to hit the rack but I first had to go outside to answer the call of nature. Did I mention we were in a very isolated bay of Woods Lake? When I stepped outside and closed the door behind me I was greeted with silence. Not a light to be seen other then a million or so stars over head and a few clouds and a surprisingly bright moon. I walked off to the side putting the trucks and shanty at my back and there were no signs of anyone else ever being here. I stood for a moment and just looked and listened. I could hear the sound of bunks creaking some and maybe an elbow hitting the wall and the total silence of....... The furnace not running...

The next morning we woke to the sound of a slamming truck door outside of the shanty and Slinger our guide was back. The heat problem of the night before had been fixed by Hammering Hank who quickly discovered it was a fuel problem and he just changed tanks. After that the shack was toastie, as a matter of fact it got pretty warm inside and guys were quickly down to just wearing their long Jon's. Slinger cut holes and carried the ice chips out to dump in a pile and we were fishing. Turns out besides being able to sling a few stories Slinger the guide knew where to put his ice house as no sooner did we start dropping bait down the holes then walleyes started coming back up.

A few holes were drilled outside and tip up's were set and the guys who played by the windows made a game of making excuses to get up before running out the door. Tip up's have always been first one to the hole gets the fish with us. I didn't even try, I just sat back and watched the holes inside the shack. I had just cleaned out the holes with Gary's hockey stick ice scoop when I watched my rod start sliding to the hole across the carpet. Making a grab for the rod I pulled up and set the hook at the same time and was rewarded with a very nice twenty-seven inch walleye. Took a quick picture along side the ice scoop/tape with my phone and then went to my gear bag for my camera. I turn to see the tail going down the hole as Hank had released the fish. Got a round of laffs from the guys as I stood with the camera and I should have known not to have turned my back, but at least I got the phone picture.

Several more eaters came up then the bite got quiet and we spent time playing cards, swapping stories and watching tip up's in the bright sunshine. Somehow the no smoking sign got lost and cigars were lit and soon there was a cloud bank of smoke just above our heads. Slinger had left to check on some other shacks he had out and said he would be back after dark to check on us. Dark came but Slinger didn't. Tip ups were brought in and supper made, walleye with fried tatters and onions. Some can corn and hot biscuits. Chili had been simmering all day long and when you felt hungry you just took a ladle of that. A fruit cake that Big Earl had sent along remained untouched as no one wanted to be the first but the box of goodies the wife had sent along was long gone. The cookies never had a chance nor did the brownies.

Slinger arrived an I happen to see him weaving across the ice, actually I just saw a bright light coming at us as what he lacked in tail lights he made up for in the several headlights he had on. He skidded to a stop outside the shack and knocked before entering. I guess the cigar smoke was kind of thick as in the light from the shack the smoke kind of rolled out of the shack and Slinger shouted out asking if we had a fire? He came in the shack and said "You know there is no smoking allowed" and we all kind of looked at our feet like our dad just caught us. Then he said "You better give me one of them bad boys" and a cigar was found and I used the blow torch cigar lighter to lite him up. He asked about the fishing and told us this part of the evening is a good time for perch and so it was here on Woods Lake {1,654,704}

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AT SEVEN-THIRTY this morning it was minus thirty-one degrees below zero. Sunshine Ray is forecasting that it is going to warm up! Of course he is not picking the day, just forecasting that it is going to warm up soon. I am going to go out on a limb here and forecast that it is going to get dark tonight and there is a real good chance that it is going to get light out tomorrow before once again getting dark out. I am not saying this is a sure thing but I am just forecasting there is a pretty good chance that is what is going to happen.

Gear bag has been semi unpacked and is in the hall closet. With the forecast of it getting warmer we are kicking around the idea of maybe a day trip or two to chase some northerns before the end of the month. Oil guy came today and filled the tank for the cabin and that should take us into summer. The same guys down at the Lodge who always give me grief about having oil for a back up are now wishing they were burning oil instead of propane. But the price will level out and return back down to where it should be. With the day's growing longer and the sun hanging higher in the sky it will not be too long and the solar collector on the side of the cabin will start blowing some hot air. Although right now there is a pretty big snow bank in front of it blocking the sunlight but that soon will start melting. At the Resort Vic has been pretty much staying in the main room and the heat is on there and in the Bait Room. Cabins are all buttoned up and buried in snow and even the shop just has a single foot path to it.

I think this year we are going to work on putting a green house or at least something to capture some free solar heat for the Clubhouse. Of course this is going down as the coldest winter in thirty-five years in these parts so if we can stay warm in this it is saying something. Was running errands most of the day today had to make two trips into town. Diggers was having a sale on seed so I had to go and buy a mess for both my gardens and the Resort garden. Yesterday I got the trays out and planted my tobacco seed. They are not kidding when they say that seed is small, could have used the help of the granddaughter and them little fingers of hers. As it was I had to put my cheater glasses on and tap the seed on to a white sheet of paper just so I could see them. I always am amazed when I see them little seeds that come mid summer will grow to be plant's five or six feet tall, Just like the sunflowers that grow way above the six foot fences that we use to coax the bees to come visit the gardens, hard to think them little seeds will soon be plants ten or twelve feet tall.

As long as I was in town I drove over to see Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop. Pretty quiet in there and I wandered the aisle some and spent a few minutes looking over smallmouth lures and also the selection of Wacky worms and hooks. Traded some small talk with Vicki and talked about when she was going on vacation this spring and how many hours she would need me to tend the shop. Of course I don't take any pay instead we do a little bartering on fishing tackle and maybe on a new spinning rod setup for them Wacky rigs. Matter of fact down in the big city it is time for the Boat and Camper Show, just kind of sneaked up on us with all this cold weather. I may or may not go down, don't really have a reason. With Chuck getting a boat last summer we are not shopping anymore and I spent to much money a couple of years ago upgrading the Puddle Humper with the new trolling motor and the graph, along with some rods that somehow found their way into the Puddle Humper when the wife was not around. I wrote a story back a few years ago about an experience I had at the trout tank at the boat show. I'll have to repost it and share it with you. So it is going to get warmer here at Lake Iwanttobethere they say, I bet it is going to snow now... {1,661,727}

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SOME BAD NEWS here at Lake Iwanttobethere, Mister Swift has died. Not many people know Mister Swift as he retired many many years ago and pretty much always kept to himself around the lake. The thing is that Big Earl sold Mister Swift his very first power tool from the General Store that came with a life time warranty. With his passing the warranty is now void. I told the Fellows at the Lodge last night that since Mister Swift has died all the lifetime warranties are now void and they will have to buy new tools. This was met with some disbelief but they had been drinking beer since sunset and it does not take much to get them riled up over something. I might have hit a cord with them as they are now upset over having to buy new tools to get a new warranty. I just turned and walked away from the round table as they were already talking about pawning their tools. I might have gone just a tad too far....Nawww

I did find the little story about fishing at the Boat show, it is several years old so some of you visitors to the Lodge may not have seen it so here it is for your consideration.

Several years ago I was in the big city at the annual middle of the winter Boat Show with a bud of mine who had another bud of his working the concession stand who was selling Bud. Well my bud had already had a few to many Buds and was telling me about his special way of catching trout from the pond. He then put down his 75 cents and went behind the rope that kept people back from the portable trout pond, His idea was to snag them...

He tossed the little fly out which he had weighted down with three bottle tops from the Buds he had in his jacket and proceeds to rip the fly through the pond. On his 2nd time through he latched on to a trout which he then reared back setting the hook and yanking the fish out of the pond through the air to land on the top of an elderly lady who had a stocking cap covered in yellow beads. The next rod action was to yank the fish back taking the stocking cap off the head of the now screaming lady and hat and fish fell back into the tank. I guess the yellow beads look like corn as now the 500 trout attacked the stocking hat sending a wave of water over the side of the tank onto the floor. Well it was pretty much down hill from there.

Women started screaming, men started running. Kids chased flopping trout on the cement floor. Then a guy falls into another guy and that guy takes a swing at that guy and misses and hits another guy who falls on the girlfriend of another guy who hits the first guy who falls into the pool. Security rushes in and drags the guy in the pool out but they slip on the edge of the pool and then the pool splits open and before you know it a couple of thousand gallons of water is flowing into the main arena and then sail boat on display gets floated and the mast hits the big net holding the balloons for the final night drawing and they drop all over the place and the band starts playing Danny Boy and it's like the Titanic all over again.. And there I am, just standing in line with my 75 cent ticket and all I want to do is catch a fish.

Here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,664,567}

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WINTER HAS RETURNED to Lake Iwanttobethere but it is the more seasonable tourist kind of winter. Winter is winter, I can hear you saying that as you read but I am talking about twenty degree temperatures and it is snowing. I think everyone would rather have twenty above then twenty below. So far this morning there is about four inches of new snow on the ground and everything is a clean white again. The snow banks have gotten pretty dirty both in town and along the roads. Frank the plow driver has already been by pushing snow up to cover the end of my drive but I have not gotten the snow thrower out so I don't mind. Still another band of snow on its way so I will wait till later this afternoon and clean everything all up at once.

A few tobacco seedlings have already popped up in the trays I have over by the south windows in the den. Kind of surprised as they are supposed to take a little longer but even seeds have over achievers. Going to plant the celery and some cherry tomatoes today, figure I might as well get them started. The good news is that we are now less then three months away from the opening of fishing. I don't know how I let that date slip past me. Last night I spent some time on the Internet searching for best prices on some fishing gear, can't believe how much they want for wacky hooks. Nothing on TV to watch but repeats which I think may be a contributor to what we call Cabin Fever. With the weather finally warming I like everyone else will start to spend some more time outside. Matter of fact I am even thinking of just going ahead and pulling the snow off the cabin roof so I don't have to worry about my ice dams getting any bigger next week when the red needle on the bass thermometer is supposed to get above freezing.

Of course it is still winter and things break and need to be fixed. The Tahoe sprung a leak in the power steering hose and that needs to be fixed but I am going to wait for a thirty degree day to do it. Dodge is buried in a snow bank and maybe I'll start to clean some snow off of it but we still have a lot of winter left. Maybe I will just put it on the do list and let mother nature take care of it for me. Over at Chucks he has started to clean snow off his wedding shack foundation. Needs to get a roof on it and the wall sheathing now that the weather is improving. Won't be too much longer and he will have to get ready for Maple Syrup season so his days are going to get long real soon. Going to be a lot of snow to melt and ice out I think is going to be late again this year. Sunshine Ray is forecasting a cooler summer here at the lake since there is so much ice on the big lake, means our weather is going to stay cooler longer.

Lodge business has picked up some with the warmer weather as members are coming in for a tap beer, some conversation and maybe a few hands of cribbage. Word about me growing tobacco has several members offering to try out the final product. Of course they want me to hand roll them cigars and ask if I will be also making cigarettes. I usually reply with I will trade you one of mine for one of yours and the conversation usually changes then. The secret smallmouth lake is not so secret anymore either, but most of the guys at the Lodge are walleye fishermen and all they do is bad mouth the bass fishing. I always tip an ear in there direction when they are doing the bad mouthing as that is how I get some pretty good bass fishing lake tips.

Middle of tax season and guys who have received their refunds are coming in and clearing up their bar tabs and paying ahead on their membership and locker fees. I have noticed a few guys are actually cleaning up their lockers and making room for golf clubs and newly purchased fishing rods. Always nice to have a place away from home to weather your new purchases before bring them home slightly worn and passing them off as old stuff. Not every husband does that to his wife but I have seen where the guys who do it always seem to end up with more fishing rods and the latest sand wedge. I know few guys who would like to be able to do it with boats and atv's but we just don't have the space at the Lodge to store that kind of stuff, at least not without an increase in Lodge fees. I see the snow has started to fall again so I better get to planting some seeds here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,668,171}

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Why do I love to fish, I sometimes ask myself that question. Why do golfer's golf or walkers walk? Why do runners run Why do bird hunters shoot a twelve instead of a twenty? Why do some guys like dogs but other guys like cats. Why do guys fish for walleye and spend thousands on deep hull boats to go backwards in big waves? Why do guys spend days pitching lures bigger than their kid's arms just to see a flash of a following musky and call it a good day. Why do some wade in chest deep water in a snow melt rushing river dangling a hook with some yarn on it? Why do guys brave sub zero weather to sit on an overturned five gallon pail at sunset on a frozen lake trying to coax a six inch crappie to bite?

Why do guys circle the dates on a calendar for their next fishing trip when their boots are not dry yet from the one they just returned from. Why do guys keep journals and jot down everything about the day they just had while others write down nothing but instead just go out and do it again. Fishing starts off as something to do with an old rod and a coffee can of fresh dug worms. You walk the bank of the local pond or creek and drown worms trying to catch something that swims. Maybe you are lucky enough to find a frog or even a crayfish to go for the big one. Sometimes you are lucky enough to be friend a fishing buddy and the two of you grow up together and keep fishing. One of you gets a beater truck or car and now you can travel to fishing spot's afar.

You get better and fish start coming home with you but then you discover girls and fishing is not as great. Time marches on and if you are lucky you and your friend hook up again. Bigger boats and shinny trucks you now go fishing when you can. But as you get older things change some, now you bring your son or daughter along and they remind you of things. The boat sits on the trailer all dry as you walk the banks with a glass jar. Your daughter turns over rocks and things looking for frogs and other squirming things. Feet dangle shoeless off old wood docks and bobbers float calmly just off the rocks. Backs rest against well-worn planks as you look up and see lions and tigers and princess in the clouds that float lazily high overhead.

Time has a way of marching on but I have spent many a moment in a boat or walking the banks of a stream and it seems like I was just there yesterday. I have some places that I been fishing for fifty years but they never seem to change. I think of the big round rock just off the shore at the lake. Does not look any different even though it has seen fifty winters and fifty summers since I first fished from it. Millions of waves and who knows how many bare feet have stood on it and casting out into the lake. The only thing that has changed is me I guess, as getting up on that rock is not as easy as it once was. When I was a kid I had to wade through the water to climb up on the rock. As I got older I could just jump to it with ease from the shore and now that I am getting old I have to once again wade out to the rock again. But once I am there it is the same, when the water is low it is warm under my toes and I cast out into the lake because that is where the big ones are at, so I was once told.

Why do I love fishing, because it just never grows old here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,671,358}

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A LITTLE AFTER eleven in the morning here at Lake Iwanttobethere and I am actually behind the bar here at the Lodge. We had this idea that we would offer free shots after every goal scored by the U.S.Hockey team in the early morning game against Russia. We had not planed on all of the Fellows showing up for the game along with several Lodge members who were planning on going fishing in the morning. We also had not planed on the game going into a shoot out and so many goals being needed to decide the game. I don't know if it was the win or the several shots in just a few minutes that sent the Fellows down to our own skating ring to play some boot hockey. From my vantage point here at the Lodge I can see them in various positions leaning against the boards or in Tiny's case just laying face down on the ice not moving. The U.S. Won the game and the Fellows said they would be back come late afternoon when they replay the game. The offer of free shots I informed them is only for LIVE games.

Sun is burning through the cloud cover or maybe I should say it is smoldering through. Not real bright out but it is trying to warm up some. I have the radio playing in the background and Sunny Clearweather is at the controls. Spinning the Poka Saturday Poka Show and she did go over her forecast which is calling for a Tuesday high of, get this forty! Will be tee shirt and flip flop weather here for sure if that happens. Will be a good day to fix the Tahoe and maybe my part will be here for the snow thrower. Yup broke it again, this time I snapped the clutch cable and Dan at the part's shop was all out of them. He had to order one and told me I should have ordered the cable the same time I ordered the hose. Of course I didn't know that the cable was going to snap and he replied. O yea.

So I am putting in a shift here at the Lodge and Gus will be in at noon. I'll hang around and get some paper work out of the way and no doubt find something to do. Duncan came to the Lodge with me but the old dogs Barney and Bud decided they did not want to leave the cabin. Matter of fact by the time I got back from going to the bathroom the two of them had taken my spot in bed. I just through the covers over them and left them that way. On my way out the door I borrowed a few pieces of candy from the wife's box of Valentine candy, I figured she would not miss them. Had a bigger crowd then I thought for the hockey game but that is because it went so long and we had guys coming into the Lodge to pick up a few things from their lockers and then stayed to watch the end of the game. Place is pretty empty now as everyone has headed down on to the ice to fish and just a few kids are here using the Luge run.

Got a fire going and the smell of popcorn is in the air. Couple of crock pots hold chili and sauce for Coney's. I already had a Coney as I did not have a real breakfast and we were to busy for me to stop and make something. Now I don't normally drink Wild Turkey and eat Coney's before ten in the morning but today is a Saturday, and of course there was the hockey game. Duncan barks a few times and I turn to holler at him to use his inside bark when Mark the mailman comes in, it has to be the uniform I am thinking. I serve him up a bowl of chili and a Lake Iwanttobethere Root beer and we make small talk here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,674,065}

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SNOWING HERE, AGAIN looking out the den widow I watch as small heavy flakes of snow are falling on to the deck. Dogs were out just a little while ago but already the falling snow has filled in there paw prints. A big cup of hot cocoa warms my hand and I added three of the big marshmallows to it. I make rounds of the cabin looking out windows and not surprisingly it is snowing outside at everyone of them. When this is done later this afternoon I will have to go out and shovel paths. Forgot all about it being Presidents Day so no mail and no delivery of my parts for the Tahoe and the snow thrower. I did talk on the phone some with my neighbor Chuck who was out looking for someplace to punch a hole through the snow banks around his place. The tractor already has the snow piled up as high as the bucket can reach and he has no pace left to put snow.

Five inches of snow two days ago, another two inches yesterday and now Sunshine Ray is saying we will get four to seven more today. I am tempted just to leave it where it falls but we are only in mid February and there is more snow to come I am sure. Good thing is we are going to have a warm spell for three days and we should see temperatures in the upper thirties, melting snow kind of weather. Trouble there is the new snow on the roofs and ice dams that will have to be broken up. You would think we would be in the clear then or at least starting to see a chink in winter but forecast is then calling for temps back to single digits and over nights back below zero again. Chuck is looking at having to dig a hole through one of the eight foot high snow banks so he can push snow through the hole and back deeper into the woods. I am stuck with out the snow thrower running so I can't throw my snow up and over the banks and will have to shovel it. Winter is really beating us up this year between the cold and the snow.

The plastic greenhouse is taking a beating this season to, it is just about at the end of its life as they say they heavy greenhouse plastic is only good for five years and this one has been in use for about seven. I will have to decide if I want to recover it this summer or just tear it down. Am thinking a new greenhouse at the Resort would be a better place for a greenhouse as I already do have another one here at the cabin. When I was talking about just taking the greenhouse down my number two granddaughter told me that I could build a tree house there for her. Of course not having a tree is not a problem because she told me a tree does not have to hold up a tree house as long as it is made from trees. I think she has been spending to much time with her grand ma and is learning the ways of women in getting their own way. That and the fact that she is now seven going on twenty-seven.

So we got out a drawing pad and starting writing down things that she would need in her treeless tree house. Windows, a roof, a swing, a trap door to the second level. I rolled my eyes at that request as the price of the tree house just doubled. Also we need a trap door in the floor to escape if attacked by pirates. Sometimes she is still seven years old. I did like the idea of the hammock but now it just got bigger so we can hang a hammock inside. Cabinets of course and maybe electricity? We need screens in the windows so we can swing in the hammock with out any bugs and we need maybe a skylight so we can have lots of glass to look out at lightning when we have summer thunderstorms. The wife with a twinkle in her eyes starting adding some suggestions. A railing and maybe a little porch where we could hang flowers from and two swings instead of one so grand baby number five can swing to. This is what happens when you are stuck inside, here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,680,063}

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WORKING AT THE Lodge today, well we are melting ice dams since the weather has warmed up some and we have a lot of snow on the roof. Thought I would post how we are doing it..

With warm weather here, at least for a few days and after having received yet some more snow Ice dams are a problem. Here is a simple way to deliver ice melt right on the roof where you want it. I take a large plastic juice bottle and cut out one side. I then drill a hole through the bottom and insert a long handled Painters wand through the bottom hole and out the top of the bottle. Some tape to hold it on the pole so it can't swivel and you have a way to put salt/deicer anywhere that the pole can reach. This will also work on the pole you use for your snow rakes. Have a helper do the filling for you and you can make quick work of putting the melt on that ice dam.


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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
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