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golden or gordon


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Can anyone tell me about the difference between the two for grouse hunting and temperament. I have a 2 year old daughter and the dog needs to good with children and also good for bird hunting. The dog will also be a family pet. I don't know much about the gordon setter and I have friends with golden retrievers. THe golden seems to have a good temeperament. I would appreciate any feedback possible.

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Boy total opposite ends of the doggy world as far as field work goes.

With the little knowledge I have with Setters, the nod would have to go to the Gordon. I've only hunted behind one Gordon in my life, but it was a pleasure. That dog did a phenominal job in the grouse woods. Seemed to be a sweet, soft, mild mannered dog to boot. They are "soft" footed in the woods and point their game.

The goldens are also generally sweet, calm dogs. They were and are bred more for their retrieving ability. They along with Labs and other retrievers are flushers and some can and do, do a good job in the grouse woods. This is usually done as a side bar to duck or pheasant hunting (which is more their forte').

As with any breed, check out your breeders and don't be afraid to ask for references. Pick pups out of good working stock that are used primarily for hunting. Make sure the parents are of the temperment that you are looking for. Ask about clearences for inherited disorders (ie: hips, elbows, eyes, allergies, epilepsy etc.

Good Luck!


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