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puppy question


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I have recently purchased a English Setter male pup. He is a wonderful puppy shows a ton of promise in the field and off with my two young girls wonderful pet. But, this is my first male puppy have always had females, mostly labs. Have 1 6 year old female golden lab right now. The problem is the little boy likes to pee eveywhere. It is like he gets excited and it just leeks out. Is this normal? I know that when he gets older he will want to mark his teritory and all that but this is diffent. Any info would greatly be apreciated

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My older lab did that when she was a pup, not sure if there really is any difference if its male or female, think its just an individual thing,I'm sure someone else will chime in if I'm wrong. Are you talking about peeing in the house?

I think it all just boils down to the same thing, getting them on some kind of schedule, as in takeing them out for bathroom, every couple hours or so, trying to catch it at the right time, getting up in the middle of the night to let them out. All that fun kind of puppy stuff.

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I've got a female Brittany that's a little over a year old that pee's when she meets someone and gets excited. She's done it since she was 6 weeks old and did it tonite when a friend came over.Didn't matter if she'd been out all day and had just let her in before they came over.

Some say they will grow out of it,I sure hope so!

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