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Wild Willie


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Hey Willie, Thanks for coming down last week end. It was great to meet your wife & see your boys again. It was alright seeing you as well I guess, even if you were out shooting me. Buddy looked good but I think he is more ready for season than you & I. We will have to get the families together again.


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Ike - THANK you for having us down for the day! Everyone had a wonderful time. Diane's pheasant enchilada's, potatoe's, fresh mixed cucumber salad and fixn's were just absolutely delicious. I have decided that I need to be a little more like James...easy going, laid back and just happy/content to be in my high-chair with a big spoon and some cracker crumbs.

The boys really appreciated and got a big kick out of riding around the yard with you and your dad in the Argo (?). I thought your mom was going to ground you for a month or two for the way you were speeding around the yard and taking big air over the driveway with the boys. All I can remember is seeing Will, You and Luke almost coming completely out of your seats as you launched the machine over the driveway! My guess is you got that thing at least 16 inches off the ground before you landed on the other side.

Baily is a great looking pup! She is going to be a good one...can't wait to see her out in the field! The rest of the gang look ready and hungry to find birds. The new fence around the kennel looks great and I was really impressed with the shape your garden was in...not a weed in site! Oh, by the way we forgot to pick some fresh veggies for the trip home...Cathy had her eyes on those state fair - blue ribbon quality beans!

Dude...when it comes to shooting you won hands down. No doubt about it! Your gun shoots like a dream. Your dad should consider teaching folks how to toss clay targets for a living. I really liked the dead/diving duck toss. Good thing your'e a pheasant hunter. Thanks for the frozen chukar offer...I didn't mean to sound arrogant and I hope I didn't offend you...but we just don't have the freezer space. Buddy wanted me to bring a couple home to play with...but he will just have to wait and do a good job fetch'n pheasants in a couple of weeks to get some bird taste in his mouth. Can't wait...only three weeks until opener!

I think I will start the season some where around the Marshall area. I have been invited down for walleye fishing the 13th, 14th and birds on the 15th. I will let you know how that goes! Thanks again for a great visit!

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