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i fugure this is probly the best place to ask this on this site.i need some help. our dog got fleas and transfered them into the house. i mean a lot of them. we vaccume about 5-6 times a day. we shampood the carpet and we lit off a bunch of cans of "flea fogger" it worked great for a while but they came back. has anyone else ever got fleas in there house? if so what did u do to get rid of them? this is really annoing. thanks everyone. its kinda embarrassing to post a problem like this on here,makes it sound like we are dirty people but we arent. any suggestions?

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I was once told to put little cups of vinigar on the floor and put a light by it, the flea will jump at the light and fall in the cup and die.... problem with this is your only killing live fleas and not the eggs.

Next I was told to sprinkle 7-dust around the house on the floor, wait a couple days, vac. and keep applying 7-dust, it took about 2 weeks but it worked. You can sprinkle 7-dust around your yard to keep the little buggers away too.

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We had this problem a few years ago and it is not fun. And I can understand the bit of embarresment that goes with it, we felt the same way. blush.gif What we did was sprinkle the flee powder on and vacuum and then do it again, and again, and again.... We also used the flea bombs a few times. Also, and you probably already have done this, but be sure all animals in and around the house have treatment too. It may take a couple of weeks but just keep at it. I alsotreated the yard around the house with some outdoor pest control. We have not had any problems since this episode. Good luck!

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once you complete your battle with the fleas, consider worming your dog for tapeworm. Your monthly heartworm pills do not kill tapeworms and ingesting fleas (you or your dog from licking/biting) will cause tapeworms. Eating/killing rabbits does it as well. Anytime pets come into contact with fleas, worm them. I do it twice a year. Pills are availible at Fleet Farm or any pet store.

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