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Old Tri-Tronics Collar Battery Replacement


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Does any one have any information on replacing the rechargeable batteries in an older collar and transmitter? I have an old 200 lite that the batteries are dead on. Specifically I'm trying to find out how to open the old metal style collar housing. I hope that if I can get it open a battery supply store could rebuild the packs with new batteries. The only other option I know of is to send it to the collar clinic in MI and pay premium to have them do it. Any info will be greatly appreciated.

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My neighbor gave me an old tritronics - "Flyway Special" The catch is, he lost the receiver in a corn field. Do you know where I can find a replacement. Is it even worth replacing? Thanks for the help.

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Does the collar have a number on it anywhere? If it does they can look back and find the frequency used for that collar and program a transmitter for it. I have an email in on the first question and am just waiting to find out.

After rereading the post, I have one question. Did he lose the collar or the transmitter?

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