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ear infections?


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lab is in the water more than on land smirk.gif I have brought him to the vet twice now this summer for an ear infection, at $123 a crack I feel violated mad.gif

is there any home remedies for ear infections other than just keeping it clean after swimming?

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My dog trainer uses and told me to use a 50/50 mix of Listerine and white vinegar. Have been doing it for almost 3 years now and no problems. It must tingle in there becasue it drives my guy nuts. I put mine in an old contact lens saline solution bottle and just lift up his ear and squeeze some in. Rub it around a little and let him shake it out. He'll run a few laps around the house and then we do ear #2. A couple dog treats after than and we're good to go until he goes swimming again.

Good luck with his ears.

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I have an 11 year old Springer that has been notorious for infections since he was a pup...vet told me to make up a solution that was 1/2 white vinegar and 1/2 rubbing alcohol and use it any time the dog has been swimming, and once every 7-10 days otherwise to help keep his ears clean and dry. It has worked really well for me...

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