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Biting Brittany


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We have a 7 week old brittany and he is a terrible chewer. He has all kinds of chew toys and he does play with those but he also likes to nip at and bite every member of the family. He is getting better not to nip at me but still takes after the kids. Besides a NO is there anything else I can do to help reduce this biting? I know brittany's are soft dogs do I don't want to be too harsh.


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Congrats on the new puppy. Our Brittany is 1.5 years old now and loves to chew bones and toys. When she was young, she would go after your stocking feet, bite toes and pull off socks. I think that she was teased and played a little rough with by the girlfriend and kids and so she thought this was OK behavior. I didn't like that and would swat her butt GENTLY and say no firmly.Since they love to please you so much, that ended it. Ours never nipped at us out of nowhere though. I think a firm no will do it. Our dog at about 12 months stopped peeing after a scolding or greeting me at the door. ( You have that next)Dogs love to chew so keep plenty of stuff in front of them or they will go after your stuff. Good luck with the dog. I'm sure it is an exciting time in your house now.

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