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north of 2 rules

Jason Boser

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Q: In the natural resources and environment bill signed by Gov. Tim Pawlenty on June 30, it gives the DNR commissioner the option to classify state forests north of U.S. Highway 2 as "managed," which means trails are open unless posted closed. How will this affect trail use in these state forests?

A: The goal of state forest classification, regardless of their location, is to provide for managed use on managed trails. Since 2003, the DNR has classified forests as either "closed" or "limited." Some people mistakenly believe that, because of the bill, classifications for all state forests north of Highway 2 will always be "managed," and, thus, off-highway vehicles (OHV) use will remain the same. This is not the case. The DNR will work closely with counties and stakeholder groups prior to making forest designations, and those decisions will be made forest by forest. This process will clearly identify places to ride for motorized users, designate trails for non-motorized users, and close those trails that cannot be managed in an environmentally sustainable manner. In addition, the enforcement of OHV laws will continue to be a top priority to conserve Minnesota's natural resources and minimize user conflicts.

- Brad Moore, DNR Assistant Commissioner


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