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short hair / coon hound


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about 4 months ago i picked up a coon hound / german shorthair. She has one heck of a nose. I was wondering on some input how to train her to be a good pheasant dog. Also is there a breeder who breeds these kinds of dogs? She is really cute and energetic. she is 11 months old now and in heat. I was wondering if I was to breed her who would i go to, to find a dog to do it with.

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The best thing you could do is after her heat cycle is finished is to take her to the vet and have her spayed. The combination shorthair/coonhound is most likely a result of an accidentail breeding, no one would breed this combination on purpose! As for the training, if you haven't done the basic obedience, here/come, heel, stay and whoa get that done first.

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Leave her tied to a tree, one of the local dogs will be over shortly to breed her!! Seriously, if you have a female dog you better be ready with a good, tight kennel setup or you'll be having heinz57 pups every six months. And when you have mixed breed pups, nobody really wants them, so what will you do with them?

Since both parents are hunting dogs, you can probably make a bird dog out of her. Work on the basics, sit, heel, stay, you need to be able to control her, introduce her to some birds. I don't know any pointer training books but 'Gun Dog' by Walters is a good one for the basics.

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Those two breeds are total opposites in hunting temperment. The shorthair is a dog to work with the hunter and the hound will go on its own and you better hope you can keep up. Its a dump shoot which traits will dominate. Part of my mis-spent youth was spent following Blue Tick hounds through the fields and swamps. Right now we are blessed?? with two Basset hounds. Great noses attached to short legged sausages. And I haven't found a hound yet that will retrieve anything or come on the first call-- unless you're holding a puppy treat. As for breeding the dog you've got, I think you might have trouble finding homes for the pups and your dog is entirely too young to have pups. I would be interested on how she turns out as a hunter. If you can get a dog with a hound's scenting ability to hunt birds, you'll really have something.

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thanks for your inputs. She does listen to stay sit and whoa. She goes nuts over any bird. She is too cute to be a screw up. someone has to be doing this on purpose. who knows she could be a screw up. I am for sure going to try to hunt pheasants with her. She is an okay house dog. She loves to cuddle with the old lady and well if the old lady is warm and happy, then i am happy.

If you guys have any other input these forward your knowledge.

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